Maybe. | Teen Ink


January 1, 2013
By oliviaferreira DIAMOND, Arlington, Massachusetts
oliviaferreira DIAMOND, Arlington, Massachusetts
92 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You&#039;re only given one little spark of madness; you mustn&#039;t lose it.&quot;<br /> -Robin Williams

Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe, for you, there is a tomorrow. There are thousands upon thousands of tomorrows to come for you. Your future awaits long winding paths of adventure. For me, I have only but today. Today to live. Today to die. Today to fix every mistake and lie told.

They say that before you die, your life flashes before your eyes. Well, that's not how it happened to me. I see those few sparkling memories that stick and stutter and hold their significant place in my heart. The things I want to remember, and never forget. The time at Singing Beach, when me and the girls walked back and forth along the papery seashore hunting for shards of sea glass and other treasures. How just by looking out at sea, the world tied it's knot and left everyone to love everyone. The whisper of sand against the soles of our feet as we ran and ran chasing each other to the sunsets. I'll remember being in the hospital with Penelope as we sat with Mom and our new miracle. How Elizabeth's small eyes stared up at us with every wonder and everlasting bond to find its way to our dear sister. I will relive every love and loss, every smile and tear. I will have every true glorious moment come spiraling back at me. And while you read this, maybe you will get a piece of me along with you. My story. My world.

I'm not scared, if that's what you're wondering. That moment of death is full of warmth and light and life. A tunnel of light shooting up and up as it arcs above us all, taunting for us to follow. I will be singing, laughing, smiling, the notes lingering down upon you all...

As for the rest, that is for you to find.


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