Las Vegas | Teen Ink

Las Vegas

January 1, 2013
By Anonymous

Your man made nirvana is my chemical crutch. Intoxicated delusion's bring me to the brink of insanity and I am no longer able to see clearly. Residency on the other side of reality has a price, and it's a price that we've both paid. No f*cks are given in the land of the lost and nothing is alright. I have no heart and my mind is diluted in a lethal solution of illegal substance. Life stands still and the world keeps spinning. The party stops, the lights go out, but I can't close my eyes cause I'm afraid to sleep. Like mother like daughter, mouth full of angel dust and eyes missing the will to live. Evicted from fantasy and exiled from nirvana with wrists crying tears of blood. I try to scream but no one can hear me. Yelling for help with no answer, because redemption is not found at the heart of sin.

The author's comments:
This short piece is about my descent into addiction shortly after moving to Las Vegas Nevada

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