The Big Brawl | Teen Ink

The Big Brawl

December 17, 2012
By jennifer rodriguez BRONZE, Garland, Texas
jennifer rodriguez BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Big Brawl
“Leave then, you’re so annoying!” Cathy yelled at Annie. They had been fighting over Cathy’s boyfriend. Annie seemed like she felt sorry, but Cathy didn’t seem to care. Cathy was furious her eyes were flaming red. She was ready to kill. Me as a witness I had no idea what to do we were just standing outside a club with nobody around. I’m nervous about what’s going to happen if they fought I wouldn’t be able to stop them so I just stood there. “You disgusting piece of trash!” Cathy shouted to Annie. Annie looked scared but prepared for what was coming. BAM! Cathy just loses it, and starts to push and punch her. I’m shocked that Cathy took the first hit. Annie just in reflex started to swing, but she would miss. It seemed like Cathy had been fighting since she was a kid, because she was hurting Annie real bad. So I finally decided to jump in and try to separate them, I was successful. I had gotten a few scratches during the battle but all in all I made Cathy walk away I had to ask Annie if she was fine. She nodded her head and slowly crawled away I had found somebody to take care of her while I cached up to Cathy and we all went our separate ways.

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