Brotha in bel-air | Teen Ink

Brotha in bel-air

December 20, 2012
By steele1234 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
steele1234 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just do it"

There was a boy named Anthony and his father but soon Anthony learns that there will be a juristic change in his life. Once he realized what the change is he was scared out of his life he realized he was moving to Bel-Air he was trembling at the thought of just moving Anthony loved his town of Indianapolis and most of all he would miss his girlfriend Ashley
His dad had to explain to Anthony why they had to move
Anthony’s dad said “it was because they needed money and that he will not be able to play football until next year when he’s a senior”
Anthony said “NO FOOTBALL WHAT!!!!!!!!!!:
Now my world is collapsing no football no girlfriend what is going to happen to me now
“Son it’s ok you will get another girlfriend and get to play football next year when you’re a senior” Anthonys dad said
Anthony replied “so what about this year I want to play this year and I want Ashley as a girlfriend when Anthony realized he couldn’t win he said ok I’ll start packing. The next day they left their house and went to the airport. Three hours later they get off of 254 when the plane Anthony said where are the black people here his dad quickly covered his mouth his dad said son what’s wrong with you Anthony said I was just stating the fact. So I see that too but I didn’t blurt it out like you. So we won’t have any black people in town with us that means less violence his dad said Anthony replied but that means less people I can relate too. They see the chauffer and got into the car and they saw where they will be living when they pulled up to the house it was blue black and red and 5 stories high with an indoor football field are we rich Anthony said. No son we’re just high middle class his dad replied.

We first had this conversation why didn’t you tell me this Anthony said I wanted to surprise you. I wouldn’t had put up much of a fight if you had told me this first it would have been much easier if you would have told me first. Well if I would have known that I would have.”
“The only thing is I can’t play football dad.”
“When I was in Indianapolis scouts were looking at me like OSU, LSU, Alabama, Baylor, and University of Miami and more.”
“I can basically go to any college I want, but at this new school who is going to recognize me.”
“I don’t know son but “work hard play hard” isn’t that what Wiz Khalifa said.”
“Yeah I guess that’s what I have to do. “
So I’m going to school tomorrow and I’m going to have to do what it takes. Anthony wakes up in the morning puts on his uniform and tells his dad I’m ready for school. His dad gets up and drives Anthony to school when Anthony walks in the first person he sees is the dean he walks up to the dean and

”says wasup dog how u doin my n****”.
The principal stares at Anthony for a second and says
“Because I’m black does that mean I came from the projects no I didn’t so treat me with respect until then you’re suspended for ten days.”
“What how am I suspended”
“Cause you’re not respectful to your elders so call your parents to come pick you up.”
“What it’s my first day.”
“So it’s time for you to learn a lesson.”
Anthony calls his dad to come pick him up and his dad says “you haven’t been there ten minutes.”
“I know I know it’s my fault but I got suspended for ten days.” “Are you serious it’s your first day.”
Ten days later …….
Have you learned your lesson yes sir thank you, you know you only have two weeks till graduation and you only need three more credits football star I looked at your record Mr. Steele you had no suspensions before ten days ago wow !! That’s impressive to see now a days but if you don’t suspended again I’ll make sure you’ll get a scholar ship to Penn State or Ohio State. Ok you may be a junior but you have enough credits to graduate this year. Two weeks later …… Anthony has on his cap and gown walking down the center shaking the principal’s hand after graduation scouts from Ohio State and Penn State came to talk to him. He told his dad that he graduated and that is going to Penn State on a full ride scholarship.

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