Breaking Through the Surface | Teen Ink

Breaking Through the Surface

November 24, 2012
By KayElle SILVER, Southfield, Michigan
KayElle SILVER, Southfield, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness is not the absence of sorrow, for although we may not be sad, we are not automatically happy. Happiness is the absence of fear because when we live in fear we don’t live at all—we are simply anticipating our next moment of sorrow."

I feel as if I’m drowning; suffocating in an ocean full of all my fears and sorrows. Melted ice warms my body with its cooling prickles along my skin. My teeth chatter, my jaw tightens-I can’t feel my tongue, but I can taste the rust of blood as it lingers on my taste buds. I can hear the tightness in my ears as they fill with the waters of other people’s opinions; soon I hear nothing at all-cut off by the influence of society. I search deep to find my own voice, my own mind, my own hands, but the current of the ocean is much too strong to handle alone. The waves of this silent killer clash into my body like the force of a car slamming into another- shocking and unexpected, terrifying and painful. My legs are paralyzed with every shake, my arms hang lifelessly as noodles-yet my hands-shrill and withered still reach for the surface crawling and scraping for what looks like fresh air. I take the forbidden breath and instantly choke-gagging on my own mistake. My heart becomes a fiery ice cube, emotions over take me. I slink down further into my own despair and my blood-shot eyes slam shut into a horrifying display of darkness. Yet even in the mist of the dark I see a small golden light. It looks quite tiny yet it illuminates the ocean floor. Without anything to lose I listen to this light, I hear it speak and I trust this is my only hope. That little light pushes me to the surface, taking me up level by level. It helps me break through the surface top water and I gasp for the breath I was meant to take.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece one day after church. Families, Friends and Media often influence our decisions and sometimes we lose ourselves. I want people to know that it is never too late to find ourselves again, we all have little lights inside us.

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