Love Him, Love Him Not | Teen Ink

Love Him, Love Him Not

December 3, 2012
By snewell23 SILVER, Baltimore, Maryland
snewell23 SILVER, Baltimore, Maryland
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone is weird. There are just some people who like to pretend they're normal" -The Fred Movie
"I love my mother, but the love of my spot is much greater" -The Big Bang Theory

I hate this feeling. I miss him so much and I realize I can't live without him even though he hurt me so many times. He went off with my best friend and ruined everything we had together. I dedicated seven months to him. I didn't even look at another guy like I looked at him. Our hands fit like puzzle pieces. A guy has never held my hand or kissed me like he did. I saw our future together where I was the stay at home mom watching the kids in our big house in the suburbs and you worked at the Pentagon as a retired Sergeant Major in the Marine Corps. It was so perfect. I dreamed that we had so many grandchildren and we spoiled them all. I dreamed that we shared our last breath kissing each other. But that is all gone now, because you couldn't resist temptation.

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