Staring Contest | Teen Ink

Staring Contest

April 6, 2012
By BostonTerrierGrl56 SILVER, (City), Virginia
BostonTerrierGrl56 SILVER, (City), Virginia
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

“What are you doing?”

Shelly did not answer; she only continued her unblinking gaze.

“Shelly, what are you doing?” Maria repeated.

Again, no answer from her sister.

Maria opened her mouth to ask a third time when Shelly leaned back with frustration and exclaimed, “He always wins!”

“Who always wins what?” Maria asked the younger girl.

“That deer.” Shelly pointed at a buck mounted on the wall. “He always wins the staring contest!”

The author's comments:
Can't draw comics, so I wrote it. I plan to do more with these two sisters; this was just to try them out.


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