The Spectacular day | Teen Ink

The Spectacular day

February 21, 2012
By shaurya.joshi BRONZE, Calgary, Other
shaurya.joshi BRONZE, Calgary, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
shoot for the stars
(this is not my made quote)

It was the last second of the last minute of the last hour of the last day before summer break and all the kids were ready to disintegrate the walls of the school to get out.

“Buzz-z-z-z” stung the final bell of the school out heroically to free the students of their ten month misery and into a two month heaven with no teachers giving you an evil eye to take out your textbook or no worries at home to do your homework.

It struck to Shaurya slowly but then he realized he was no longer a prisoner at school for eight hours a day five days a week. He jumped over the backpacks, ran through the hall and cleared out his locker as fast as a zebra. He pounced over to his friends who were still packing up and helped them out to speed up the process.

“Guys we need to plan out what we need to do, we have two months ahead of us,” hollered Shaurya over the loud voices of other grade sixes.

“ Let’s all go to watch Mr Popper’s Penguins” commented Brooke Then all six of them, Jon, Liam, Emily, Jessica, Brooke and Shaurya agreed to go watch the movie at 6:15pm but meet at Shaurya’s house in an hour.

Finally when it was five o’clock Shaurya let his friends in and they played a game of “Crack that egg” outside on the trampoline. After a while they all biked to the theatre.

As they biked, they all loved the sweet, juicy smell of the lovely flowers blooming around them in the gardens of Shaurya’s wonderful neighbours. The spectacular breeze of the refreshing wind filled the lungs of every kid nearby.

What a wonderful summer this was going to be thought Shaurya as he biked and realized all he needed to enjoy were his friend and he would be happy and zoomed in front of his friends and they all raced to be the first one at the theatre.

The author's comments:
Hello sir or mam,
I am sorry this letter is coming in on the deadline but I hope it is
ok. My name is Shaurya Joshi and am 13 in grade 7 and a student of Webber
Academy. I have attached a copy of my story but if it does not work I have also copied it down below if you scroll down. Thank you so much "Teen Ink" for giving kids like us an opportunity to submit our writing.

Shaurya Joshi


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