Remembering Tom | Teen Ink

Remembering Tom

August 4, 2011
By Determinded97 GOLD, New York, New York
Determinded97 GOLD, New York, New York
10 articles 5 photos 7 comments

I wake up all of a sudden and look around. I'm in the hospital. Then I remembered. The last time I saw him, he was on the floor, dead. I don't remember what happened next, just that I blacked out. Tom was a good person. He never deserved this. I look up at the white hospital lights, squinting. The doctor comes in and says, "Hello Sara, I'm Dr. Belrin. You seem to have gained consciousness so I can explain the events that have happened. You're here because you had a serious panic attack causing your brain to rewire and shut down, leading to why you were unconscious. The matter that made you panic is mandatory that you know." 
He takes out a file from his clipboard and opens it. He clears his throat and sits up. He then looks at me as if he could see inside my head through my eyes and says, "Your brother, Thomas Eric Marrion, is dead." 
He then gets up and walks out the door saying, "I'll give you time to process the news" 
But I don't want to process it.
I look out the window and look at the world. It seems so nice from inside. Finding out the cause of this death is all I can think about. The doctor comes in again and I ask immediately,
"who or what killed him?"
"That is still a mystery to us" he says solemly
I stay in the hospital for 3 hours then my mom comes to pick me up.
"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry." she says while crying. I push her away and she understands. I need to figure out what happened to Tom.

The author's comments:
This is a start of something. I don't exactly know what it will turn out to be. You can comment and give me ideas. I'm open to all of them.


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