Theodore, Angela and the Chair | Teen Ink

Theodore, Angela and the Chair

February 22, 2011
By tianaxbiddy SILVER, Wareham, Massachusetts
tianaxbiddy SILVER, Wareham, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Plot is character revealed by action."


Theodore a white and orange cat, his tail fuzzy and would tickle you when he swung it on your skin. Angela, pure white fur coat and lean she could easily fit behind a tight space. They both would lie on their chair at night until morning. Theodore holding Angela, being protective we thought it was the cutest thing. Theodore would follow her where ever she went.

When we first got them they were kittens and would play together all the time. If you were holding one you had to hold the other.

They scared us when they ran off somewhere for weeks and it was the end of July. The scorching sun heated the tar, when you put your bare foot or hand on the tar it would burn instantly. In the early morning I would go look. I would look everywhere but they were no where to be found. Their food would go uneaten their water stay still. I would still change the food and water every other day.

I looked at their chair sadly hoping that they would come back. The house just seemed so empty with out them.

I heard a faint meow at the door to find Theodore standing wearily outside the door. I opened the door but he walked away. I followed him hoping that he wasn’t going to run off again. I followed him deep into the woods where it was suppose to be off limits to the public because it was privately owned.

He stopped in front of a tall old oak and meowed. I peered my head inside and Angela lay motionless on the ground. I took her by the scruff of the neck and she jerked her head up. I sighed in relief that she wasn’t dead. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. I touched her front right paw and she cried loudly.

I guess she must’ve broken it. I thought to myself and I patted her head. Theodore head-butted my leg and I picked him up as well. They were both really skinny and needed to eat. I rushed home to find my mom at home.

I opened the door and yelled “Mom! Mom! I found them!”

“What are you talking about honey?” my mom asked and she smiled warmly when she saw me holding Theodore and Angela in my arms.

“Angela’s paw is broken I think and they need to eat and drink but other than that they are better than you thought they were.” I put them down at their bowls and watched them. Angela didn’t stand on her paw. My mom got the vet on the phone and quickly made an appointment for Angela.
A couple hours after that Mom came back home with Angela who had a cast on. I laid Angela on the chair with Theodore who wrapped his paws around her warmly and they went to sleep.

The author's comments:
It was origanally based off a picture that i cant put with the story. also it was an assinment for my creative writeing class

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