Innocence | Teen Ink


February 12, 2011
By Noxfaratos SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
Noxfaratos SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
5 articles 8 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
To the world you may be but one, but to one you might be the world. :)<br /> Wise people think all they say: fools say all they think.

You've always made these promises to me, and I hoped you'd come through but the same outcome comes to life like an endless lie.
I wanted to believe in your grand schemes but even dreams have their limits.
You may have led everyone else onto your self destructive path, but I refuse to let you steal my innocence to.
I'm stronger then you thought and soon you'll see just how far I'll go to have my freedom.
Your words were like venomous bites that had no cure, and your eyes were cold when you saw what you had done. And you carry no regret or compassion, and neither will I. So this is goodbye.


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