My Abnormal Day! (A Short Story) | Teen Ink

My Abnormal Day! (A Short Story)

November 12, 2010
By MiiSs_AlySsA SILVER, Fall River, Massachusetts
MiiSs_AlySsA SILVER, Fall River, Massachusetts
8 articles 3 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your Hold On Me Is Pemeant And Unbreakable. Don't Forget That..."

"Oh yea, Burgers for the boys.." - Haha!! A friend

I woke up to the birds singing, the sun shining, and the loud intruding sound of a jackhammer! I got up grumbling, wishing I could wake up to a more peaceful sound, for at least one day, then I would be content.

I started to dress for the hopefully abnormal day that was ahead. A typical day for me would include going to my crazy job as a clown, then meeting up with my boyfriend after work to cross off an activitty on our extreme activities list. Yesterday we went bungie jumping off the San Francisco bridge. Today we were supposed to go deep sea diving but I changed my plans for today. After that I usually go to one of my odd jobs. Yesterday I went to Mrs. Nueman's house to help her shave her cats bald; she has 101 Tabby cats. After a long day I would finally ride my motor scooter back home. For those of you who don't know, I live in a mansion provided by my parents. It doesn't have furniture though; just the neccessities.

However, today I felt like shaking it up. So, when I dressed for work, I wore ordinary clothes; a plain T-shirt with a pair of shorts. As I got to work, I became nervous. I don't want to get fired but this is just a different day for me. At work I was ridiculed. My face never stopped being red. I hope James and I's date goes better than work, I thought as I neared a small restraunt where I was to meet him.

"Hey honey!" James kissed me on the cheek, and we sat down to have our normal lunch. We ate and nothing more happened. It was BORING! I have never hated something so much in my life as I hate eating a normal lunch at a normal restraunt on a normal day! Well, now I have to do some normal volunteering, I thought as I neared a neighborhood soup kitchen.

"Hey Aliayah!" Mrs. Karrington greeted me with a handshake as I walked in. "The hairnets and aprons are in the back, and have fun!" She waved me off with a smile. I sat in front of soup for SIX HOURS STRAIGHT! I was so BORED! The only thing a person could consider interesting was when two old men started fighting over a piece of bread. But it ended too quickly. Now if it was Mrs. Nueman's cats, they would've fought to the death. That is what I call entertainment. Well off to home, I wonder if my furniture came in yet.. I thought as I was in a taxi cab destined to bring me to my newly furnished mansion.

I walk in to find my whole house decorated extravagently and brightly. I have never been more mortified in my life! I felt like throwing up at the site of these horrendous furnishings. Well, I'm just going to go to bed. I'm pooped.. I thought as I walked up the newly carpeted stairs into my new canopy topped, queen sized bed. What a day! I am never doing that again! I hate normality! "Goodnight Jeffery!" I said to my pet giraffe, who stuck his head into my window. I then slowly drifted off into my usual hibernation stage.

The author's comments:
This is just a wierd, funny piece of work! Enjoy!

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