the perfect mother | Teen Ink

the perfect mother

November 11, 2010
By CanNeverHoldMeBack GOLD, Manhattan, Kansas
CanNeverHoldMeBack GOLD, Manhattan, Kansas
10 articles 0 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
friendships are like glass. sometimes it's better to leave them broken then hurt yourself trying to put them back together again.

she'd always been the best. the one everyone wanted to be. she had the looks, the body, the personality, and last but not least,the reputation. all the things i lack. i was the skinny, no boy in there figh tmind would date, ugly girl. but, i was smart, smart enough to see through her lies and down to the deep, deep, truth. what she was really like. it all started back at the start of junior year. the defining year before, college prep would sweep us off our feet in our senior year. everbody knew exactly what happend to her, when it happened. november of that year, i had sparked around that she'd gotten pregnant.huh, how much of a roll model was she now. the year kept passing an a monthe by month, play by play kep tcoming in about how she was doing. one month e she was going to give it up for adoption, then the next month, she'd keep it. i despised her, bu i knew that deep down in my heart that i had envied her, wanted to be heard and listened to, to be the one that everyone would stop for and kiss the ground that i walked over. they worshipped her. and i envied her.
years later down the line wheen i had gotten my degree andwas making a name for myself as a CEO for a company that had always been'mans business' i heard news about her. she had had her baby and everything spiraled out form there. she had gotten addicted to druga and had died, leaving her kid up for adoption. he was 9 at the time ui heard this news. my heart went out to him, i wanted to give him a better home than his mother would never had dreamed of. the parfect mother.


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