the first day | Teen Ink

the first day

September 24, 2010
By stephie95 PLATINUM, Tripoli, Other
stephie95 PLATINUM, Tripoli, Other
25 articles 1 photo 65 comments

I woke up for the first time in three month at 6:30; I went to the bathroom brush my teeth, washed my face and went back to my room. As I entered I looked through the window, the sun was about to rise, I laid on my bed for a couple of minutes thinking about the first day, about the first day of school.
I stood up, opened my closet and picked out an outfit to wear, white jeans and a blue shirt, something cute and nice. When I was done, I did my hair, put on earrings, and some perfume and went to the kitchen. I looked at the shelve, took out the cereal box, brought a bowl, poured some milk into the bowl then some cereal. I sat down at the bar and started eating and thinking. Thinking what is going to happen today, what I am going to feel.
It might be somehow of a good feeling to meet my friends, to talk to them again as always, and somehow not that good to start school, to start the daily assignments and things to study.
“But that is probably for the best” I said to myself, when I was done eating , and my mother was ready we went down to the garage, and entered the car. As the car engine started it felt as if my body started with it, now I have to turn on my engine, turn it on and put it on drive and get ready to start the first day of school.
When we reached the school I came out of the car and looked to see the school damaged, it was as if you a had a cracker and suddenly crushed it with your hands, it was a disaster. Wow that was the first feeling no more school, no more days of horror and studies, relaxation is back, that was my first feeling. I was smiling again, no more gloomy faces, instead a huge smile, but suddenly I heard a horn I blinked for a moment to see my self in my moms car, stuck in traffic, that was simply a dream. A good one…
Now this time it was really, I really reached school and it was in good shape, it was time for the beginning of the journey with no end…
The journey of education…

The author's comments:
this was somehow like my first day of school...


This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 12 2010 at 7:41 am
stephie95 PLATINUM, Tripoli, Other
25 articles 1 photo 65 comments
thx!! and how about you continue checking my work, and give me your frank comments, thx again!!

on Nov. 11 2010 at 4:47 pm
Healing_Angel SILVER, Sydney, Other
8 articles 2 photos 509 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, not for tomorrow

YAY!! Can't you see how much better this looks or how much easier it is to read? You need a lot more detail though!! You could always go with the burnt down school idea and turn it into reality...