Mirror | Teen Ink


June 18, 2010
By irrara12 BRONZE, Columbia, Maryland
irrara12 BRONZE, Columbia, Maryland
3 articles 2 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
not all who wander are lost-jrr tolkien

We see her in the hallways. Sometimes, in the cafeteria. We laugh at the pink fish net leggings and hair dyed neon green. We laugh at the overdoses of make-up on her face, criticize the cuts on her wrists. We laugh and laugh, but I realize that we have never even heard her speak a word. I am trashtalking her, complaining that I was seated next to her in a class. A girl who hears me, a girl I never noticed before, speaks up.

"Her mom died a month ago, you know?"

I did not know. I did not know, and I wish I didn't know now. I am silent for a second, filled with guilt. I finally say, "So what? Death happens to a lot of people, but we don't turn out like that."
The invisible girl looks down, not in shame, I'm sure of that, but maybe, to hide her disgust.
I forget about the incident, but when I see her in the cafeteria, the girl who no longer has a mom, sitting alone, I want to cry. I'm not sure why.

I stare at her eating a school bought meal. It is greasy pizza, my friends call it cardboard.
I wonder if her mother packed her lunches. I wonder if her dad can cook well. If she has a dad.

"Hey!" someone snaps in my face.


"Did you see her hair? She dyed it pink now!"

I say nothing because I am lost in thoughts and plans of how to stop the mistreatment of this girl. All involve me standing up for her, defending her in front of all my friends. None seem realistic. She gets up to throw away her trash. She had less than half the pizza. I bet her mom cooked well.
I hope and pray that no one trips her, and she is safe, but I don't get to see where she goes next because my friend wants to show me her new phone. And the girl is gone. I walk to my next class aimlessly, but then I realize it is the class where I sit next to her. I wish I knew her name because I'm in the classroom now, and I'm not sure what to say.

"Hi." It's simple, but it's a start.

"Hi Shayln."

I look up to her face, and realize that her eyes, underneath layers of mascara and eyeliner, are a startling grey.

I'm surprised, shocked really, that she knows my name. I feel awful, but the look in her eyes says that right now, here, with her, I don't have to worry anymore.

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This article has 7 comments.

on Jul. 22 2010 at 6:45 pm
haventy0uheard PLATINUM, Kings Park, New York
28 articles 0 photos 186 comments
This is really good! It shows a perspective of how gossiping affects not only the person being talked about, but also the conscience of the gossiper. It really makes me want to say something next time someone I know starts gossiping. Thank you haha checck out my work if you want =]

on Jun. 23 2010 at 7:40 pm
OfficialApprover PLATINUM, Orefield, Pennsylvania
48 articles 0 photos 1752 comments

Favorite Quote:
Grab life by the balls. -Slobberknocker
We cannot change the cards we're dealt just how we play the hand
Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted
It's pretty easy to be smart when you're parroting smart people
-Randy Pausch

Thank you:)

on Jun. 23 2010 at 7:39 pm
irrara12 BRONZE, Columbia, Maryland
3 articles 2 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
not all who wander are lost-jrr tolkien

No problem, it's really good.

on Jun. 23 2010 at 7:38 pm
OfficialApprover PLATINUM, Orefield, Pennsylvania
48 articles 0 photos 1752 comments

Favorite Quote:
Grab life by the balls. -Slobberknocker
We cannot change the cards we're dealt just how we play the hand
Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted
It's pretty easy to be smart when you're parroting smart people
-Randy Pausch

You're welcome.  And thank you for commenting on my work:)

on Jun. 23 2010 at 7:33 pm
irrara12 BRONZE, Columbia, Maryland
3 articles 2 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
not all who wander are lost-jrr tolkien

Woops I commented on the wrong spot. But i'll check out your work and thanks for commenting.

on Jun. 23 2010 at 7:33 pm
irrara12 BRONZE, Columbia, Maryland
3 articles 2 photos 42 comments

Favorite Quote:
not all who wander are lost-jrr tolkien

Thanks so much for commenting, I really appreciate it. I'll comment on some of your stuff.

on Jun. 23 2010 at 5:10 pm
OfficialApprover PLATINUM, Orefield, Pennsylvania
48 articles 0 photos 1752 comments

Favorite Quote:
Grab life by the balls. -Slobberknocker
We cannot change the cards we're dealt just how we play the hand
Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted
It's pretty easy to be smart when you're parroting smart people
-Randy Pausch

This is great, you can completely feel the character's change of heart, awesome job.  Keep writing!

Btw, will you check out and comment on my work?