Summer Dreaming | Teen Ink

Summer Dreaming

May 19, 2010
By Jnstanford BRONZE, Sykesville, Maryland
Jnstanford BRONZE, Sykesville, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It wasn't that I felt invincible, I just no longer feared the end. I lived with wreckless abandon - loving, hurting, embracing all of life's nuances. Nothing more amusing than the breeze in my hair on a drive, and nothing more blissful than a lazy day in bed. Every person turned out to be life-changing, every experience more thrilling than the last. Every day held possibility, every night, magic. Hanging on to the lips of lovers, the closeness of friends. It wasn't that I felt invincible, I just no longer feared the end.

The author's comments:
I'm really not quite sure about this. I just got into writing, so I'm only experimenting. I'd appreciate any kind of constructive criticism.

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