Brother | Teen Ink


April 25, 2010
By screamxmanda SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
screamxmanda SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 5 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dreamers always kill the Soul Takers

To think that I would actually miss you. After what you have put us through. How you just got up and left just like Daddy did when me and Ma needed you most. I hated you for that! I was stupid to actually count on you! So stupid!
I remember that day where you laid on your bed tangled in the blankets,letting out tiny agonizing sobs, and I asked you what was wrong and you didn't answer. Do you remember that day? Do you? Cause I do!...Ever so clearly!... like a diamond. But I bet you don't because if you could forget about your family then you can forget about that.
And I sat by your side, rubbing your cheek, holding you in my scrawny weak arms, saying that what ever was wrong will soon turn out okay. And after a while you stopped crying and just laid there limp on the bed, barely moving or making a sound.
After that day out bound seemed to grow more..blossoming into a strange abstract flower with mysteries still hidden in side. But this began to fall apart and you were gone more often until one day you never came back. Not even a call to let us know your okay. Just tell us your okay.
But you didn't and I felt rage towards you. And I would find myself at night crying for you, but I had to block out those emotions. I forced myself not to love you any more because you didn't love us.
I'm still waiting for your call..Still waiting for my brother to come back home. So I won't have to hate you any more.

The author's comments:
When you lose something you gotta make sure not to take any one for granted because you don't know what could happen... you have to say i love you to them no matter if your mad or sad... appreciate while it's still there..


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