The Master Bedroom | Teen Ink

The Master Bedroom

December 15, 2009
By elizabethlampson BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
elizabethlampson BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I awoke to the smell of brewing coffee and my husband’s shallow breathing. I reached for my eyeglasses and I laid still as a board, trying to become awake. I knew my alarm would be ringing and I had been a night owl and stayed up way to late reading, “Nights in Rodanthe.” I craved to hunker down under my silk red sheets and cozy warm black comforter like a turtle hiding in its shell and stay in my king size bed all day. I covered my head with my pillow, wishing the noisy heater wouldn’t have come on.

“Good morning honey,” I heard my husband say while stretching like a koala bear.

“Good morning,” I replied, while turning on the lamps on the end tables.

“How late did you stay up reading?”

“Oh, I’m not sure,” I said smiling like an innocent child.

“I woke up around 2 on the window seat; with the red brick fireplace still lit and the T.V. still on.”

“Wow. You must really be reading a good book!”

“Yes very much.”

I stepped down onto my fluffy cotton cream colored carpet and folded away the blanket and put it in the old blanket treasure chest. I was walking toward the light switch when I stepped on my dog’s green dog toy.

Ouch, I thought to myself. After getting some clothes from the dresser and laying them on my red love seat, I went to take a shower.

“Burr! It’s cold,” I informed my husband.

He looked up from the desk and said,” Well if you wouldn’t run around in a towel it wouldn’t be.”

I gave him a look that was like a demon’s smile and tossed my dirty PJs into the hamper.

I put on my dress and sat in the rocking chair to put my tights on. I glanced over to my husband and saw something shiny on the floor. I walked over and crouched down.

“I found my lost earring!”

“Thank goodness. Those diamonds weren’t cheap.”

“Yea. Yea. But I’m worth it.”

I was thrilled I found my earring. I knew on my calendar I had an important meeting today, but now I felt like it would go great.

I picked up my purse and on my way out of the room I also found a lost penny. Yes I was sure today would be a great day.

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