Titleless | Teen Ink


October 7, 2009
By Son`ador SILVER, Hamilton, Other
Son`ador SILVER, Hamilton, Other
8 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We all mess up sometimes,but if we make a conscious effort to do good more times than not, we'll be doing life right."
Stephanie Perry Moore

Life sucks, and then you die!!

His soft silky pale skin is her obsession. When his hands touch the small of her back, she shivers. His touch is cold, does it mean he is evil she questions? She looks deep into his topaz eyes, but sees’s nothing. Meanwhile his soft lips finish tracing her jaw. He moves to her lips, slowly he breaks the kiss, as if to savor it. He whispers he has to go. She replies why, like she always does. His eyebrows rise and he speaks. “We both know why my love”. She sighs and say’s “go”. And for the last time he walks out of her bedroom door, knowing he will never return he mouths “I love you dear”. From those words she knew he would never be walking threw her door ever again.

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