True Life of a Teenager | Teen Ink

True Life of a Teenager

July 8, 2009
By Claire Tenney BRONZE, Huntington Beach, California
Claire Tenney BRONZE, Huntington Beach, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name’s Ashlyn.
I may only be 14,
but already it seems like my life is the
most complicated thing in the world.

I wake up, get dressed, and eat breakfast in the morning like any other teenager. However, I can’t help but think that none of our lives are the same. We each have our own problems and we each have to solve them our own way.
My life… it’s complicated. There’s school, boys, friends, family, charity groups, after school activities, and so much more that make life seem so confusing. Sometimes these different aspects of my daily routine even collide, creating a tornado of problems in epic proportions.
My story begins March 10, 1995 at Saddleback hospital. That was the beginning of everything for me.
Growing up, I was extremely gifted with my mind. I always was put in advanced classes and was constantly pushed to the limit. I also showed signs of great creativity. However, I never quite used my talents or appreciated them as much as I should have.

When I began middle school, I was coming from a whole different school district and had no friends. I quickly made new ones, though; but they unfortunately would come and go. I never really trusted my friends until seventh grade because I was always afraid that they didn’t really like me. They would constantly tell lies and start rumors about other people and I was scared that they did the same with me.
My best friend for the next two years would be Millie Stort. We told each other everything and went to each other when we had problems.

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This article has 1 comment.

dolkio BRONZE said...
on May. 31 2010 at 8:51 pm
dolkio BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes i like to put up walls to see if anyone even cares to break them down."

is this good. is this really your life. its good.