Joe | Teen Ink


November 9, 2023
By Sudhanshubhagwatt_ BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Sudhanshubhagwatt_ BRONZE, Cupertino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a Monday morning. The sky was extremely cloudy and dark and rain was rumbling and pouring down from the sky. It was 7:45 AM, and Joe had just come to school. Joe was feeling extremely sad because last night, his girlfriend broke up with him and told him, “I’m sorry, but, things aren’t gonna work out anymore.” Joe was sitting on the bench all alone, crying, when a man walked up to him. Joe didn’t know this man's name. The man asked, “Hey, why are you so sad?” A large strike of thunder came from the sky. Joe then replied, “My girlfriend just broke up with me, I don’t know what to do!” The man responds to him saying, “Well man, put your head up. Don’t think about what you did in the past, focus on what’s coming in the future.” The rain finally stops. The bright sunlight peaks from the clouds, shining straight on Joe. The man then walks away, to be never seen again by Joe.


The author's comments:

For my set piece, I used imagery to help put a picture on the reader's mind to establish the setting so the reader could feel what was going on. I also tried to change the weather due to the mood of the character. This set piece is about how a man gets broken up by his girlfriend and is feeling sad. So, a man walks up to him and teaches him a lesson.

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