The Island | Teen Ink

The Island

November 7, 2023
By sonick33333 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
sonick33333 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The cool ocean breeze felt nice over Nigel’s face. The birds were singing a song, the trees brighter than ever with more fruits than last year. Finally the lil almond joy boat was still floating for another day. The boat was stationed at the harbor, ready to leave at a moment's notice. Nigel’s hammock was swinging back and forth in a hypnotic motion, and Nigel fell asleep. All on the Island was calm. They wouldn’t know what would happen within the next 2 minutes. There are dark ominous clouds in the back slowly creeping up for their revenge. The rain begins, and the locals run back to their homes. The tourists run to their hotels, and Nigel, well he’s sleeping, and nobody is willing to stop for a second to warn him. The intense amount of water in Nigel’s hammock snaps the lines, he falls face first into sand, and he wakes up now. The cold started to seep into his skin, making him frown. The rain slowly turns into hail, and Nigel almost gets hit by a piece. Nigel grabs his belongings, a red scarf and some goggles. As Nigel runs along the beach, a hail hits a house nearby and there is a shriek from a woman. Nigel’s ears start to ring, a large tide rolls onto the beach, and Nigel is swept into the ocean sopping wet.

The author's comments:

In my set piece I present my idea of life while making different moods at the start and end, which I got when I was sick. Life is like a boat. That's the best way I can describe life. No matter where you sink, the ocean, lake, or quicksand you sink somehow some way. You begin floating, and in a way you’re safe, but at a constant threat of something. That phase will end and a new one settles in, the tide turns high, the water cold, and your miserable ending with you longing and regretting your mistakes from the past. The pain is too much and you meet the end. You wonder what got you there, and you can remember the soft beginning, but more of the cruel end you meet with the water, something that makes you but also breaks you.  

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