The Tree | Teen Ink

The Tree

November 5, 2023
By FindLakshya BRONZE, Cupertino, California
FindLakshya BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a nice summer morning and I began to go to the place I knew had been here at the start of Middle School, my happy place, the tree. I began to put my stuff down on my table, till I realized that there was a pristine white bench sitting next to the tree. I began to ponder who could have graced such a magnificent tree with the gift of this bench. It was as if the tree had been given a new jacket, making it prettier than ever. I looked around and the benches were filled with stuff, the fliers were nowhere to be seen, but most of all this bench had come. In my three years of middle school, so much had changed, but it was almost time to let go of this beautiful school. Once the tree turns green again it will be my time. I will leave behind all the things I knew to start a new journey in life, high school. Just one last step, green, red, green. Then it’s gone, away, never looked back upon. 

High school will be a big one with its many difficult heralds and challenges. The hardships and struggles will multiply, but I know that when the time comes, I will be able to face these challenges and jump over these hurdles. Like the tree, when times get tough I will find a way to persevere. My new branches will grow stronger, and better than before. Growing on the inside and out. One day, I will change my hair, and I will wear new clothes, but deep down inside my core will stay the same, I can never truly change. 

The author's comments:

I wanted to experiment with my writing and try to compare the aspects of the tree that we did a quick write on and my life. I did this in numerous ways such as comparing the core of the tree to my soul, drawing parales.

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