Fairytale Dandelions | Teen Ink

Fairytale Dandelions

November 5, 2023
By Anonymous

It was so beautiful. I picked up the dandelion and caressed it in my hand. I closed my eyes and blew. When I opened my eyes I saw the little white seeds spreading throughout the green summer field. The clouds looked like they were painted on the blue sky, bees hummed and the workers sang.
Was there a little girl like me waiting on the other side of the world to get her wish? Was she holding her hands out too, waiting for a dandelion seed to find her? Were bear cubs rolling around in the green grass hoping to find their wish too? I couldn’t be the only one waiting. I know that much.
I sat down on a large gray rock close to me. In fairytales, princesses made a wish and it always came true. But my life sure wasn’t a fairytale. In fairytales parents don’t leave, friends don’t yell. So why couldn’t my life be a fairytale?
“If only, if only,” I whispered to myself. I looked at the summer field abuzz with life. Maybe I could make my own fairytale. One where maybe, everything doesn’t go perfectly. One where it's okay not to be happy all the time. One where I can just be me, without the princes and grand adventures. But is that allowed in a fairytale?
As I sat there thinking I realized that maybe my wish had come true. Maybe, just maybe I could make my own fairytale. Maybe, I could write my own story.
“Saphina!,” I heard my father yell. I took one last look at the blue horizon and squinted hoping to see a little girl like me there waiting. But I didn’t see one. I smoothed down my skirt and took one last sorrowful look at the rolling hills. With that, I ran toward the house to help my clumsy father. Fairytales would have to wait for another day.

The author's comments:

The main character in this story is a little girl. In this story I'm trying to capture the fleeting thoughts of a little kid. 

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