Eric | Teen Ink


November 3, 2023
By Nostaw BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Nostaw BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He was kinda a weirdo that everyone around him didn't like. Eric was an odd kid, curly dark brown hair, big, some sort of mixed race. He had little friends, a small friend group that I was slightly in. I wished I wasn’t as I already had friends in second grade, he basically stole me as a friend from one of my best friends at the time. Him and I still talk, but Eric? I don't know where he is. 

It was during lunch one day, maybe at the end of first grade or early second, my memory is a bit foggy in this part. “Do you want to be friends? Please?” “Fine, I guess?” Is what I said, who would know that would be like signing a contract to the devil. Maybe not that dark but still. Early on Eric would constantly talk and talk, like everyone I knew. I was a quiet kid and still kind of one. He started to get a reputation of being loud in class, not on topic, I still remember when he was talking about some game called Hitman. He would talk about the horrendous acts he did in that game. “Have you ever heard about the game hitman? I love that game, want to know what you can do in it? You can do-“ I don't remember what he said, I played Diablo 3 at this time, but that game isnt as dark as what I would hear from Eric. Though I knew he liked me, he wanted to be MY friend after all.

It was the middle of the year when my class was learning about Martin Luther King Junior and segregation. “Would me and my friend be in the same school?” I don't remember what the teacher said but I remember Eric being happy, I think the teacher said yes. Around this time I started to realize his true nature and I would be around him a little less, I don't remember anything past the middle of the school year. Just that one there was an occasional sub Eric would always be on their bad side. I remember when he moved seats from my table, I was sad as that was the only time he sat at my table, but the person next to me, Michelle, was ecstatic. “Yay! I’m so happy you're gone!” Is what she said. Jokes on them, I believe she is just as bad as Eric today.

Now it is April. Close to the end of the year, maybe 2-3 weeks from my birthday and Eric is gone. Once the teacher announced it everyone was cheering but me. I start to talk to my old friends again, and it's like the year never happened. At my birthday party, Eric was there. I asked him where he went and he said he moved schools. He handed me his gifts, I thanked him and I don't remember talking to him again. 

The author's comments:

This piece was made for my language arts class, and tells the story of one of my friends from 2nd grade.

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