Wishes | Teen Ink


November 3, 2023
By je_anlll03 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
je_anlll03 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The nurse sits by my bed, stroking my hair, and I can tell she’s wondering when this room will be empty. I smile at her graciously, and soon she gets up and says, “Oh, I almost forgot.” She goes to the back room and comes out with a muffin with a candle sticking out of it, burning brightly. “Happy birthday,” she says softly, singing the song then letting me blow out my candle. I’m struggling, in pain, but I manage to do so anyway, and I close my eyes, making a wish. Soon the nurse walks out of the room, letting me rest.

A few blocks away, my family is sitting, huddling around the fireplace burning brightly in the sitting room. Too bright. Everyone is dull, sad, and with tears in their eyes. “Why?” My mom cries, “why us?” My dad attempts to comfort her, like he did the last 2 years, but it’s not successful. He also has tears in his eyes. “We can’t even visit her.” He says softly, “I want to be there with her when she passes.” 

I don’t realize it, but I fall asleep. Suddenly, I feel myself floating, but there is no pain. A shimmering star twirls around me. I smile, knowing that my wish has come true. I fly over the rooftops of our town, and land softly on the porch steps, just a step away from my front door. I breathe softly and take a step. Nothing. No discomfort. I grin as tears start building up in my eyes. I get to see them one last time, I think. I open the door, which hasn’t been oiled for a couple years, hearing a loud squeak, and peer inside. Everyone gasps when they hear the sound of the door opening, and then I’m surrounded by my loved ones. No one’s saying anything, but the amount of joy I felt in that room told me so much. Suddenly, the star starts blinking. On and off, on and off.

“We have to say our goodbyes,” I say, softly. Everyone looks reluctant, and new tears start forming, but takes the moment for an exchange of final “I love you”s, hugs, and kisses. I step out of the door, this time with everyone behind me. The star twirls around me again, bringing me up into the air. Everyone is in tears, crying, but grateful for this final opportunity to say goodbye. High over the rooftops, I can see bright lights shining in the windows, people laughing, and I finally feel contentment. 

The author's comments:

I was attempting imagery and using active verbs in this piece. I love the detail there is, but it still leaves you with room to imagine. It has a strong and simple theme, just love.

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