Fall Morning | Teen Ink

Fall Morning

October 18, 2023
By Anonymous

Waking up on a cool fall morning in a Halloween themed room. I opened the blinds to see the bright sun beaming on the window and was so excited to walk the family dog Scooby.  Scooby was jumping up and down ready to go. Walking through the neighborhood, everyone was doing everything possible to win the best Halloween house award. All of the houses looked so spooky and amazing. I entered the beautiful shaded woods where every tree had a majestic red color at the beginning and a scorching yellow in the middle. I love the crunching and crackling of the leaves that have fallen and Scooby loves to chase the leaves that are being lifted up from the wind and thrown around. 

As the morning passes, there is a lonely fawn prancing through the woods trying to find food to eat. Scooby lets out a low growl, the fawn just stands there frozen in time. After Scooby stops, the fawn hesitantly walks over to Scooby to investigate. I stand there wondering what is going to happen. Seeing the moment with the fawn and Scooby filled me with awe when their heads touched each other. Heading home all I could think about was the fawn and Scooby. That brief moment on a cool fall morning made me realize that the everyday moments can be the most meaningful. Back in my house on my street where all the spooky houses are, I head to my room with Scooby. I think I will remember this day and how we met the fawn for a very long time. I slowly fall asleep with a smile on my face and my Scoopy by my feet. 

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