Last Night | Teen Ink

Last Night

September 27, 2023
By 4mullettn GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4mullettn GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt that I was on a yacht in the Caribbean Sea where the water was a perfect 90 degrees with a slight breeze that would cool me off perfectly just when I started to get a little too hot. Before embarking on our cruise for the day I asked Bebe if we could stop for food and of course she said “Sure Darlin”. 

So we stopped at Bruegger's Bagels and the lady who took my order had a name tag that said Ellen pompeo. I knew I recognized her from somewhere; she is the lead in one of my favorite shows. She asked me “Comment tu t'appelle?” I told her my name and then I ordered a breakfast bagel and an iced caramel latte to go with. I took off my cloud tennis shoes and boarded the $1,875,000 yacht and began our voyage. My goal was to spot a brown pegasus flying by in the bright blue sky, so I waited and waited for one to appear. 

The stewardess on the yacht that day was Helen Keller and she surprised me with my favorite drink…coke from culvers. I continued my search whilst tanning and listened to my favorite artist of the month, Luke Bryan. After it had been hours Helen suggested presumptuously that maybe it would be easier to spot a dolphin and that we should switch over to dolphin hunting. Reluctantly I agreed and we began the hunt. 

Within minutes we spotted a dolphin and we named him Jack. “Woohoo!!!” Helen just laughed and said “I told you it would be quicker LOL”. Suddenly, the alarm on the boat started going off and we were all in a panic to figure what it was only to be awoken moments after and realize it was all a dream and that I was actually about to get ready for school in the midst of January where the weather was far from 90 and sunny. 

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