The Night I Knew Better | Teen Ink

The Night I Knew Better

September 27, 2023
By ella2025 BRONZE, Kearney, Missouri
ella2025 BRONZE, Kearney, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tonight had been an amazing night. Ricky and I went to homecoming together. It started out as friends, but by the end of the night neither one of them wanted to stay friends. There was a spark there, and they both knew it.
After the dance, we decided to go to the after-party. I didn’t really like this idea because I don’t drink, but went anyway. Sure enough, we got there and people were drinking. I got very uncomfortable because I was planning to go to college on a scholarship and couldn’t be caught drinking or around alcohol. A D1 scholarship was not worth one night of fun. I just wasn’t okay with letting my hair down tonight.
“Ricky, I don't think this is a good idea. I don’t really want to stay,” I said.
“Marla, you will be okay. Just try to relax and have fun. We won’t do anything dumb, I promise.”
I had a feeling that maybe I should just call my mom, but knew that if I did that, mom would freak. I was not supposed to be at parties and I knew it. I didn’t want to be grounded over something so silly.
Instead of calling my mom, I decided to try to relax and to have fun. I knew I wasn’t going to get out of this situation so she tried to make the best of it. The boys started talking about getting on the ATV’s and going for a ride. Of course the two pick me girls thought that was a good idea and wanted to go. Problem is, neither one of them knows how to operate an ATV. I think that I was the only girl there who knew how to, but I didn’t really want to go for a ride with people who were drunk. I told the boys that I would go, but only if Bobby, Ricky’s friend, would ride on the back. He was extremely drunk. I didn’t really trust him because he was already acting crazy. He agreed, so that’s what we did.

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