Pink Fin Missing | Teen Ink

Pink Fin Missing

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

This Pink Dolphin has a big race in 14 hours and time was ticking. She has a disadvantage in the race because she has a missing fin and that will be slowing her down from getting first place. She decided to practice for the competition she has in 14 hours, she ended up making her own course so she can practice an she wanted to focus more on tight turns because she couldn’t go as fast as she used to now she turns slower than a grandma turning at a yellow light. She practiced that for 2 hours, she almost gave up she got depressed and nearly quite. She decided to make her own fin when she seen a wrecked ship with a bunch of materials she can use for her fin and to make her racing course even better than she already had it, she ended up making the fin fit perfect but it didn’t function how she thought it would. She ended up going to the wrecked ship she found but there were sharks there and they claimed that ship but she didn’t know and they chased her and she was going faster than a the speed of light, she escaped them but she was lost and she was near the shore, but there was a wildlife sea 

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