End of a Line | Teen Ink

End of a Line

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

      Summer of 2021, it is post-COVID quarantine and everything is almost back to normal.

Walking down the dirty, hot stinking alleyway, Lucki was on his way back to his apartment when

all of a sudden 3 young men out of nowhere start jumping Lucki. They kick, stomp, punch, and

spit all over Lucki until his friend pops out of the shadows in dark clothing with a nasty look in

his eyes. Guero pulled out his gold-plated Smith and Wesson and shot a blank shot as a warning.

All 3 men rushed back to their vehicle and zoomed out of the apartments.


     Lucki, fueled with rage and anger, clenching his fists with a fury for revenge. He ascended from

the ground and told Guero to give him his piece to take. Guero knows Lucki has a lot to lose if he

decides to do a stupidity at this time in his life. Guero is the one who put Lucki on game in the

business for money.


    Although they seem like quite the opposite, Guero and Lucki have been friends since elementary

school. Lucki is banal, serious, and hard-working but has a friendly side when it comes to his

partners and his family. Lucki isn’t really the social type. He’s always been to himself due to past

trauma and trust issues he dealt with in the past. Guero loves to go out during social gatherings 

and also loves to be out in the beautiful city of Houston. Both Guero and Lucki have partnered

together to help each other with the business. Lucki distributes and finds local spots to sell the

goods and Guero goes to the locations and sell the goods at a good amount for good profit.


       Guero and Lucki have had a lot competition in the business. The main opposition is a gang

called the “The Flock”. They have been around since the 2000’s and have been on and off due to

police force and gang disputes. Recently however, The Flock have been making noise throughout

the apartments and has been making big sales throughout March through June. Guero and Lucki

did not like that. Every time they encounter with each other, both parties begin to start arguing or

fighting. The pressure is real and the demand is high, both parties would do anything just to not

lose their profit.  


     At 11:00pm, the night is bright and the stars are shining under Lucki hoping for a miracle. Lucki

arrived to Bridge Wood Mobile Homes, lurking around finding his next motive. As Lucki is

roaming around looking for a move, he gets ambushed from behind and drops to the floor.

DeShaun, the leader of The Flock, takes Lucki hostage and interrogates him asking him what’s the

purpose of him pulling to the mobile homes. Lucki did not say not one word to him. He kept his

mouth quiet the whole interrogation. Unfortunately, Lucki would meet his fate at the hands of

DeShaun and his goons with bullets to the face, stomach and lower body area. He was shot 27



      The morning of August 25th at around 7am, Guero would wake up to the news of Lucki’s

passing. Hurt, confused, mad, and all-around bad energy went all up Guero’s body and mind.

Guero had nothing in his mind but revenge. He knew that the decision he would make will finalize

the business he had with Lucki and would be the end of line of his criminal work.

The author's comments:

My first story

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