A Christmas Miracle | Teen Ink

A Christmas Miracle

September 7, 2023
By EngelisDiaz BRONZE, Houston, Texas
EngelisDiaz BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On Christmas Eve, Sonia woke up excited as she made the final adjustments to her costume for that night's performance of  “A Christmas Carol”. Getting the role of Mrs.Cratchit felt like a triumph even though it was not a leading role because being an actress was her dream job since she was a kid.

Dressed in her Victorian dress, she got in her car and headed to the theater. There was a snowy night outside. The road was like an ice rink, causing an unfortunate crash of Sonia’s car with a tree. After awakening from that disaster, she could only hear a beep in her ear. Sonia found herself surrounded by luminous lights while lying on a hospital bed. She couldn’t remember what had happened or where she was. 

Two people approached her side with worried faces, but she could not recognize that they were her parents.“She lost her memory”, the doctor warned. Sonia also did not remember her friends who gave her balloons and gifts while she was recovering. She was afraid that her memory would remain like a foggy mirror and that she would not be able to return to her normal life. 

On Christmas, Sonia’s parents drove her home when she recovered, and fragments of her memory returned as she saw the houses of her town with Christmas decorations through the window. She recalled her Christmas performance and all the support she had received from her parents. But she also had visions of a mysterious figure she couldn't remember. 

Sonia’s parents were filled with joy after knowing their daughter was recovering her memory but also frustrated for not having told her something so important. Before the parents reveal what it is, someone comes to visit Sonia. A man with tears in his eyes claimed to be her husband. But for Sonia, he seemed like a stranger. “If you are my husband, why weren’t you visiting me in the hospital?” she asked, her voice trembling. Her husband who was called Bruno answered, “I will help you remember our life together, but the important thing is that you are safe now.” Evading her question. 

In the evening, Bruno brought photo albums, shared their love story, and took Sonia for a drive towards the theater, hoping to help her remember. On the way, she looked through the window at the place where her car crash had been. Everything about the accident seemed clear for Sonia at that moment.“Were you driving that night?” Sonia asked. In a river of tears and burdened by guilt, Bruno confessed to Sonia that he had been the one driving that night. He explained how he lost control of their car and believed it was his fault that she lost her memory and her chance to perform.

Sonya slowly remembered everything, her life, the car crash, and her love for Bruno. She cried with joy for recovering her memory, hugged her husband, and told him that what happened was not his fault. It was a Christmas miracle that neither of them would ever forget.

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