The day we met.... | Teen Ink

The day we met....

September 6, 2023
By Anonymous

It’s 7:00 in the morning and I just walked into class. Wondering, is this really how my life’s going to go, or should I just drop out of school? I walk tiredly to my seat and sit quietly waiting for the teacher. “Hey, can I borrow a pen?” I heard someone say behind me. “Well, I guess you're really out of luck then huh buddy?" I say harshly. “Dang, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.”  The voice says. “What did you say?” I say flipping my head around. It was Jerry Clawson. “I know what you said you idiot.” I say, raising my voice. “Mrs. Amber, is there something you would like to say in front of the class?” The teacher says while everyone's head turns to me “Y-yeah” I say turning back to face the teacher.  “Well, it looks like someone’s embarrassed.” I hear Jerry whisper.  
I jump out of my seat and rush to my next class not even looking where I’m going.  *WHAM* I feel my body fall backwards onto the ground. “U-Um, S-sorry I didn’t mean to run into you.” I say collecting my fallen books and rushing to get up. “Hey, it’s ok it happens to everyone at one point or another.” I heard someone say. I look up wondering who this is. “I’m James. I’m new here.” He says while smiling politely. “Oh, um that’s a nice name.” I say awkwardly. “Mine’s Amber.” I say quietly. “That’s a really pretty name.” He says looking at his watch. “Well, I have to go so meet me after school at Carter’s café.” He says while starting to walk to his next class. “Ok. I'll see you later.” I say running to my class. I finally got there right before the bell. As soon as I get to the class I walk to the last empty table. “I got my own seat!” I say quietly. As soon as I sat down at the table, I heard someone come running into the room. I whip my head up looking at the door. There he was. His slim masculine body standing there wondering where to sit. I look him dead in the face as I watch him make his way to the seat next to me. “Long time no see I guess?” He says while slouching down in his seat. “Yeah, I guess so.” I say nervously. I feel my hands getting sweaty as the teacher starts her lesson. After the lesson, the teacher starts to hand out the homework and the first test we took. “Mrs. Amber I would love to see you after class. “The nerd has finally failed a test.” I hear a voice behind me. *RING* RING* “See you after school babe.” Jerry says as he walks away tapping my desk. “Oh, I guess you have plans after school so just take my number.” James says as he walks away from the desk with his head down.  
To Be Continued... 

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