Dance Rivals | Teen Ink

Dance Rivals

September 6, 2023
By Anonymous

It was a chilly day at the start of October. The leaves started to fall off the trees, as the wind grew stronger. It was the beginning of a new season, and Amy did not like that. She preferred the warm and hot summer weather where she would go to the beach and sunbathe all day. Therefore she didn't appreciate the wind blowing her light blonde hair in front of her face as she walked to her dance studio. Once she finally managed to get to the studio, she opened the door and felt the warm breeze hit her as she entered. As she walked in she smiled to herself knowing she was finally at her happy place. AEDC studio was Amy's favorite place. She had been there since she was 4 years old and had never left. She also loved her dance instructor, Miss Amber. Miss Amber was the one who owned AEDC and had taught Amy everything she knew today. It was always Amy’s dream, to ascend to the top and become a professional dancer. As Amber entered the studio she immediately greeted Miss Amber and wrapped her hands around her like a monkey, hugging her as hard as she could. “ Oh my gosh, I missed you so much," Amy said .” I haven't seen you all summer,” she continued. “ I missed you as well Amy. Glad to see you back again for this season” Miss Amber replied, smiling, Jo as bright as the sun. “ You bet I am, Amy replied. “ Alright then go and get started warming up we’ll begin in 10 minutes, ” Miss Amber finally said. Amy nodded her head and started to take off her jacket, putting her things in her locker before coming back and stretching on the dance floor.  Halfway done with her warm-up, she heard the door open loudly. In walked in no other than Rebecca Archer herself. Rebecca Archer was Amy’s rival. Both had been competing against one another at a young age. Up until they were 17 years old. Amy and Rebecca were not always rivals. They used to be best friends in fact, but Rebecca had always been very competitive and became more ambitious as they grew older. Constantly trying to one-up Amy the friendship started to deteriorate with both consistently wanting to be the best, to succeed, and to win the trophy. Winning had blinded them, eventually ruining the friendship they once had. As Amy saw Rebecca walk inside she couldn't help but glance at her and give her a small smile. Rebecca did not return the gesture and stared at her with annoyance as she continued heading towards the locker room. Soon after the rest of the students came into the studio and started warming up.  After everyone was done Miss Amber said she had an announcement to make. “ Okay guys as y’all know every year we pick a dancer to have a solo at the National Dance Competition,” Amber said “This year's solo will be lyrical” she continued.Amy smiled as that was her strongest style of dance. “Throughout the years that I've taught I have found 2 perfect candidates that I believe can do it” Miss Amy stated. “Those two dancers will learn the choreography and then perform it here. “After y’all have performed I will decide who will get the solo”, without further or do the 2 dancers that I have selected for the solo are… Amy and Rebecca”.  “You two will have one week to learn the choreography”. Everyone else in the studio clapped for them as Amy tried to process what she had just heard. She was gonna get the chance to do a solo at Nationals. The only thing is that she’d have to compete for the spot with Rebecca. Suddenly, she felt a little anxious knowing that Rebecca was her fiercest competitor and would do anything to get that solo. Nevertheless, she wasn't going to let Rebecca have that solo so easily . 
The two started learning their choreography when Miss Amber told them to take a break. As Amy headed to get her water bottle Rebecca stopped her “ Do you think you have a shot at getting that solo” Rebecca said glaring at Amy. “Yes, I do, ” Amy replied nervously. “ Yeah right you have no chance of getting that solo, especially against me,” Amber said while laughing. “ Just don't cry when I get the solo and win Nationals,” Rebecca said lastly before walking away. Amy stood there in shock not knowing what to do. Still stunned she walked back into the dance room and continued practicing the solo now not feeling as confident as she once did before.
 A week went by in which both Amy and Rebecca fully learned the routine. The day they had to perform the solo in front of Miss Amber had finally arrived. Amy wa both nervous and excited as she still remembered the encounter she had with Rebecca. Miss Amber called Rebecca first to do the solo. As Rebecca danced, Amy looked at her in awe. She looked beautiful as she swung her arms gracefully and in elegance, the emotion she showed while performing. She couldn't help but start to have doubts. At last, when Rebecca finished, the students all applauded and clapped for her. It was finally Amy’s turn to do the solo. She felt the nerves rush over her. Nevertheless, she shrugged the feeling off and danced like never before. Amy was careful to not make any mistakes and danced her heart out. As the dance had finally ended Amy had never felt so relieved for it to be over. She smiled as she heard the students clap for her as well. She felt proud of herself for doing it. As Amysearched to see Rebecca she found  Rebecca gaze already on her staring straight at her with a soft smile. Amy smiled at her back. “ Alright, thank you, girls, you both did amazing.” “ Although it was a hard choice I have decided that the person doing the lyrical solo at Nationals is…. Amy,” Miss Amber said. Amy stood still astonished. She had done it. She got the solo. The students clapped loudly and congratulated Amy. Once again Amy glanced to see Rebecca. She looked sad. Rebecca started heading her way towards Amy and said, “ Congratulations you deserve it.”” Thank you did amazing as well” Amy stated nervously. “ I’m sorry about the other day I let the competitiveness get to my head that I didn’t realize how mean I was to you” Rebecca continued. “ It's okay I let it get to me as well.” Amy said finally . Rebecca smiled sadly once more before heading towards the door. Leaving just Amy and Miss Amber alone. “Congratulations Amy,” I hope you’re very proud of yourself because you were fantastic,” Miss Amber said. “Thank you so much, Miss Amber, for the opportunity, you won’t regret it,” Amy said while smiling. “ I know I won’t just know that this isn't just a random dance you will perform at Nationals so make sure not to dawdle and to do your best,” Miss Amber, said at last while smiling before finally heading out. 

The day of the competition arrived, and Amy was getting ready in the dressing room when she saw Rebecca standing in the corner, looking distressed. Suddenly, Amy did not feel as happy as before as she had to take the same opportunity from Rebecca. Amy realized she also had to give Rebecca the same chance that was given to her. Once she realized this, she ran to Miss Amber telling her plan on how she wanted to do the solo as a duet instead. Miss Amber hesitantly agreed as she also wanted the girls to make amends with one another. Amy then ran towards Rebecca and said, “ Come on we’re going to do this together ”. “ What do you mean you got the solo, “ Rebecca replied. “ I know but it didn’t feel right that I got to do the solo and you didn’t get the same opportunity as me, so come on and change quickly” Amy continued. Both girls quickly got ready and performed the solo together as one. Both had finally learned that it is always better to work together than alone. It didn’t matter the trophy or who did it best but what they did together helping each other rather than trying to outdo the other .

The author's comments:

I wrote this story because I have danced ever since I was 5 and has always been something I have been passionate about. In the dance world, there is competition to be the best, jealousy, and ambition.

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