The Three Missing Girls | Teen Ink

The Three Missing Girls

September 6, 2023
By karen15x BRONZE, Houston, Texas
karen15x BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a chilly Thursday afternoon. The last school bell rings, and it is time to go home. Lily, Shaylen, and Diana went walking home. That was their routine always because the three of them were neighbors. They were talking about how their teacher was austere. Lily said, " That is the only class I do not like." Shaylen said, " At least we have that class together." Diana said, " Yeah, but it is not like she let us talk." The two girls agreed with what Diana had said. Then they changed the conversation to boys until a van pulled up. Inside the vehicle were two men and one woman. They pulled down the windows, and one of the men asked the girls, " Do you guys need a ride." The girls stood there for a moment until Diana and Shaylen said, " No, thank you." Lily said the opposite, " Guys, they look benign."   The other girls did not want to, but since Lily was their friend they just agreed. They got into the vehicle and they started talking to the people. Only one of them was talking though, but Shaylen and Diana were feeling uneasy. Lily only said yes to the ride because he found the driver cute. The girls did not know their names, so they asked, " What are your guy's names?'' At first, they did not want to answer, but then they did. The driver's name was Dean, the man who asked if they needed a ride was Nate, and the woman in the back seat was Billie. The girls passed their house, and that is when they knew something bad was going to happen. They already had an idea that they were probably getting kidnapped. So far they seemed nice though so they did not mind. Lily did not really mind.The other two girls were scared and none of them had a phone since their parents wanted them to be autonomous  teenagers. They pull up to a neighborhood they had never seen before. Only two houses were built but the houses were far away from each other.The kidnappers made the girls get out of the vehicle and took them inside straight to the basement. They locked the basement and it was chilly and dark and they had nothing down there, not even a window. They could not scream for help. Night time had arrived and the girls were still not home. The moms started to get worried because when they were not home after school they would go buy ice cream but it was already really late. Kate decided to call Britney and Lexi to ask them if they had seen the girls. None of them had seen the girls. It was really worrying. They decided to call the cops but the cops did not do something right away. The moms took matters into their own hands and the next day they started putting pictures of the girls and their phone numbers to see if anyone had any information about them. Two days later the cops started looking for them. They looked for any type of clues but they did not find anything. They asked around the whole neighborhood but no one had seen anything and there were no cameras around. The girls had not eaten anything and were still locked in the basement. The only thing they heard were footsteps and the television. Now the three of them were scared and they were panicking. While Lily and Shaylen were processing what was happening Diana was looking for a way to escape. Then Dean went down to the basement to give them food. He only gave them canned beans with a spoon and three water bottles. The girls did not eat them but they only drank the water bottles. Later he came back to pick up the trash but he did not speak to any of them he just gave them a cold look. He forgot about the spoons so they just kept it. Maybe it will help them later for something. Two weeks later the cops and the whole neighborhood were still looking for them. The parents wanted to stay positive so they just kept thinking that they were okay. The kidnappers used the girls as maids. If they did not do what they were told to do they would not feed them and they would leave them in a cold room by themselves for a whole day. They were not who the girls thought they were. It has been almost two months since they went missing. Kate, Britney, and Lexy started to lose faith. The cops and the neighborhood little by little stopped looking for them. The girls tried escaping multiple times but everything failed. At the same time, they were just happy to be alive. They missed their parents, their pets, and siblings. They also missed the smell of their rooms and the warmth. In the third month that changed. The girls decided to come up with a plan to escape, but it was dumb. They were just hoping that it worked. They still had the spoons hidden from when they kidnapped them. They decided to use that. The basement was dark and had stairs. They started calling them one by one and they would put the spoons on the stairs so they would trip. Now that the three kidnappers were down they took the keys and ran to the other neighbor's house. They were lucky because the neighbor was outside putting up Christmas lights. The guy seemed confused when the girls ran up to him but then they explained everything to him. He introduced himself as Sam and called the cops. While the cops came he gave them food and water. The cops came in time before the kidnappers left. They arrested them and called the girls' parents. The parents came rushing and hugged them and cried. They were so happy that the girls were okay. The girls went to therapy and they continued being friends. Their parents got them a phone for safety reasons. They graduated and now they are happily studying for their careers.

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