The Best Worst Day Ever | Teen Ink

The Best Worst Day Ever

June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

It's official– the raffle hosted by the school board has begun. Is this ever going to end? I thought to myself. Prize after prize after prize being listed. Each one is as boring as the last. I was almost asleep when I heard them announce the final grand prize. 

“Principal for a week”. I instantly perked up. THATS AWESOME!!! I looked to my right, my mom already knew what I was about to ask. 

“Please, please, please mom.” I begged. 

Waiting for her response I couldn't help but start to imagine all of the things I would do if I won this prize. My mind was running with all of the possibilities, free ice cream, ball pit, recess, naptime. But when I really thought about it, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the school. So I had to focus, and push all of those unrealistic things aside. 

I finally came to the conclusion that, if I were principal for a week, I would give students more resources to get help on their homework. Not something like a study hall, or tutoring, but a break period where students could go in and meet with their teachers to further expand their knowledge on certain topics. Sometimes when I am doing homework, I get stuck on a question and Google is no help, so I wish I could talk to a teacher outside of classes so I am not wasting my lunch period, or my teachers prep time. 

In order to make this a reality, I would have to talk to each teacher individually. Would this be a thing necessary for all classes? Like art classes? Or should we offer this to students in AP and higher level classes? Would this backfire on the students by causing teachers to assign more homework? So hearing an opinion from each teacher to see if it would benefit their coursework would be my first step. 

Then, I would hold some sort of poll among the students to see if they feel it would be beneficial to them. If both teachers and students are on board, I could start to write up a new schedule. An hour or maybe two thought the day that allowed students to go to certain classrooms to get help on specific questions about their homework that there may not be time to discuss in class. I would require each student to go to a class so that nobody is slacking off and dilly dallying in the halls. 

Once my week is over, I would hope that the students' grades would improve, as well as their confidence in that class's material. 

I am so deep into this fantasy that I forgot where I was until I heard the screeeeeeeech of the microphone feedback. I look up to the stage to see the former principal shaking hands with Lyla Berwanger. She won? Of course she won. I could not think about anything other than the stupid ideas she was going to come up with. Ugh. This day had gone from the best day ever to the worst day ever in five minutes. 

The author's comments:

We were given a free write period in composition. This is what I used my time to write. 

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