Fight Club | Teen Ink

Fight Club

June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

As I’m rubbing the crusts out of my eyes I remember what today was. Today was my first day as school principal. I roll out of bed and look into my closet wondering what I should wear. I decided on a white polo with black shorts. I look into the mirror and the nerves slowly start to sink in. You got this, I told myself. 

Now you’re probably thinking I’m some thirty year old man who's going to their first day at work. The reality is I’m a seventeen year old jr. and have no idea what I’m doing. I was able to convince the real principal that the student should allow a student attending high school to be principal for the week. I created a poll for all the students to vote and somehow I was also able to win. 

I walk to the kitchen to make my breakfast. Turns out my brother was quite excited that his brother got to make some changes at school. So he made me some eggs and bacon for breakfast.

 “Do you think you could make me a popular kid at school?” 

“First of all I’m the principal. There is no way the principal could do anything to make someone popular in a good way. Second of all, the “popular kids” are just losers”.

He looks at me obviously let down but still excited. I told him I could let all of his lunches be free and he could get to choose what we eat for the week at school. That cheered him up a little bit. 

We both get into the car and drive off to school. What’s the first thing I should do? I could get rid of homework, or I could fire some of the teachers everyone hates for the week. The possibilities were endless. I drop him off at south campus and then drive to my parking spot at my campus. Everyone was waving at me today. I had a gut feeling that today was going to be a good day. 

I roll into my parking spot and my friend Hayden gestures to me to roll down my window as he’s in his car right next to me. 

“I still can't believe you were able to pull this off. What are you going to do today?”

“Honestly I have no idea. Any suggestions?”


“You should just cancel school”. 

I roll my eyes and head inside. I looked around to see if I could get any inspiration for my first few changes. I noticed a lot of people standing around and talking. There was that one couple that could not make it twenty seconds without kissing or almost making a baby. That’s it. I walk down to the front office and jump on the PA system. “THERE WILL BE NO MORE PDA IN THIS SCHOOL ANYMORE,” I say into the microphone. I hear cheering coming down from the commons. I see two couples storming to the front desk to have a “friendly” conversation with me. 

I sneak out of the back and see what else I can do. As I’m walking down the halls I notice a couple people yelling at each other. I didn’t want to get involved, but I figured I should. 

“What’s the problem?” 

“SHE HAD SEX WITH MY BOYFRIEND!” girl one yelled. 


I can’t lie, I am completely bamboozled on what to do. I start thinking about what I could do but then the two girls become a tornado of hair and fists. After a couple minutes I’m finally able to rip them apart with the help of a couple other people walking by. 

“What do you want me to do about it?” I ask. 

“Let me beat the sh*t out of her!” girl two says. 

This got me thinking. What if there was a way for people to get their differences out? That’s it! I’ll set up a boxing ring and let people fight anyone they want. I talk to both of the girls and they both agree to it. I get the shop classes to get together and build a large boxing ring in the middle of the basketball court. 

After a couple of hours it was go time. I get some kids to round up all the students to sit in the bleachers. I got someone for each of the two girls to tape up their wrists and put their gloves on. 

“Family Ties” begins to play on the speakers and both girls walk into the ring. I see a clipboard being passed around in the crown. I ask one of the students in the bleachers what it was and he told me it’s a sign up chart for the fights. 

I heard a bell and the fight began. As the two girls brawl it out I look around to see what everyone was thinking. All the students loved it, and even the teachers were getting into it. That night about ten fights went on. The next day even more happened. By thursday at least fifty fights went down in the ring. I go to school on friday and see everyone is in a better mood than the previous week. The two girls that had the first fight were even getting along. It was like there was a spell cast upon the school that made everyone happy. 

Friday was the big finale. There were the biggest fights between the biggest rivalries and the biggest kids. Every fight was intense and was fought from the heart. Everyone went home with sore throats. For the final fight we had the two biggest kids get in the ring. I grab the microphone and say, “THERE WILL BE BLOOD, THERE WILL BE SWEAT, AND THERE WILL BE TEARS. EVERYONE GET READY FOR THE FIGHT OF A LIFETIME!”

After the fight, after I get pats on the back, after I talk to everyone that had questions, after I help clean the gym, after I drive home I finally think about the results of the week. I wish I had more time. I could do so much more for the school if I had more time. Everyone told me how much they enjoyed me being principal, I could keep doing what I’m doing if I had more time. But then I realized, all good things come to an end. 

The author's comments:

I had to do it for school 

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