A Day at the Airport | Teen Ink

A Day at the Airport

June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Check-in, security, boarding. The rush I feel being at the airport is unlike no other. Hundreds of families running through the terminals, the smell of coffee brewing in nearby shops, and breakfast sandwiches activate all my senses as I sit at the gate thinking about my future destination. It feels like weeks have passed since I sat down only 20 minutes ago. I knew I’d be bored, but this much? Drifting away from reality, I can see my grandparents' faces light up as we pull up outside the three story condo that I would call home for the next week. The ocean was begging me to dip my toes in the water, yet I was sitting in cold, dreary, Wisconsin weather. 

“Ellie!...ELLIE!” my mom hollered. Apparently I was zoned out staring off into the distance (How embarrassing). Once I stopped daydreaming, I returned my attention back to my new Colleen Hoover book. The fresh pages gliding beneath my fingers as I turn to the next, when my cousin pokes my arm and says “Look!”—a gate over from us a small child was laughing playing with a dog that happened to be walking past. So many distractions, so much chaos, and I couldn’t feel more relaxed to be with my family almost to the vacation we had been talking about for months. 

By this time I can barely think about anything besides feeling the sand in my toes and the salty ocean air in my lungs. The half-hour left until boarding begins drags by, even longer when off in the distance I can hear microphoned individuals directing travelers to make sure they have their tickets as the plane is about to board. Can this please be us? My legs begin to bounce as I become more anxious, praying our plane will arrive at the gate soon. 

The final countdown to board has begun and although I’m excited to get to the clear blue water and sunny skies, I can’t help but be sad to leave the airport. Even after struggling to get through security because a man forgot to take his belt off, I could never be agitated at a place where so much joy and excitement is building up in each and every traveler like me. And at  last, the gates open and my vacation officially begins. 

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