Stranded | Teen Ink


June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Where am I? My clothes are damp and the air is warm and heavy. Salt fills the air and the waves crash at my feet. What is that? A cloudy glass bottle floats onto the sand thirty feet down the beach. I slowly scan my surroundings, all that’s behind me is a couple of trees and then open water for as far as the eye can see. I stroll over to the bottle, my feet leaving craters in the mushy sand behind. I bend over to grab the bottle and a sharp pain shoots through my back. “AHHH!” I must have fallen and hit a rock, then ended up here on the island. 

POP! A note? What could it say? The paper feels brittle and rough, I slowly roll it open. WHAT? The note is blank, all that is on it is a stamp in the corner with a unique flag. The bottle slowly slips from my hands and sticks into the wet sand. What am I supposed to do? There is no food on the island, no clean water, no shelter. The only thing to do is pray that someone comes to my rescue. 

The sun beats down on the tiny island, making the sand scorch with heat. It feels as if I am a steak on a grill just waiting to be medium rare. I can’t stay here, I will die. With nothing but blue skies in sight, there will be no fresh water coming any time soon. I sadly walk toward the four little trees in the middle of the island and plop down at the base of the largest one. Using the only bit of shade around I begin to plan how to survive on this tiny island. With nothing in sight and no food or water, I only think about getting off the island. But what could be used to float, there is nothing here. All I need is a little bit of luck. SNAP! DOINK! “Ouch, what?” I look at the brown circular object by my feet, then slowly look up towards the top of the tree. You got to be joking, how did I not see the coconuts before? With a stroke of luck, there was now hope for survival on the island, with a source of water coming from the coconuts all I need now is food. 

I take a walk towards the water and try scanning for some sort of food: fish, crab, or even lobster. As I walk the beach searching for life I catch a glimpse of a sudden movement under the water. It must be a fish. Now all I need is a way to catch it. I snap off a tiny branch from the large tree and attempt to sharpen the end to make a spear. I use the edge of a rock and press it into the stick with the little strength that I have left in my body. I finally sharpened the end into a point. Now, where did that fish go? Just as I think all hope is lost again, I see the green gills of the fish glisten in the water. 

VROOM!!! What is that? A tiny seaplane flies above, the fish dashes away. “Hey!!! Hey!!! Down here!!!” The plane's right wing begins to dip and turn back around. I’m saved. After all the work and luck I was granted a wish one more time and I was saved.

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