Rosy Cheeks | Teen Ink

Rosy Cheeks

May 15, 2023
By aubreyhall34 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
aubreyhall34 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The perfect girl, I thought as I glared over to the girl with shiny red boots, rosy cheeks, and long silky blonde hair. The perfect girl, I thought with judgment as she single handedly reached into her brand new Louis Vuitton purse that overfilled with practically a dozen name brand makeup products and grabbed her Dior lip gloss that at least cost a fortune. The perfect girl, I kept thinking to myself in jealousy as I watched the boys drool over her as she walked past them to put her Starbucks that she barely touched into the trash can. As I watched her she got a buzz from her phone indicating she got a phone call. I watched her as her picture perfect smiling face turned into a sullen look. I could tell something ensued from her gleeful, exciting, happy heart as she gripped her phone tighter and tighter with each word the person on the other side of the phone expressed. She quietly stood from her chair, pushed it in pleasantly, and headed to walk out of the class. She quickly glanced back at the class with glossy ocean blue eyes and right as she went to turn back around a tear drizzled down her face as she silently shut the door. The perfect girl, so I thought.

The author's comments:

The piece is about someone who expresses jealously when seeing someone who they wished they could be. Maybe shes jealous of the way she looked, or if she had more money than her, or even when the boys look at her. But this also shows that even the most "perfect girls" face their own challenges. 

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