Food chain | Teen Ink

Food chain

April 18, 2023
By Hoefscar000 BRONZE, Dresser, Wisconsin
Hoefscar000 BRONZE, Dresser, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Basking at the top of the ocean chills a krill named Karl. Karl spends his days gathering nutrients and dreaming about his future. Karl is a simple man who wants a beautiful, loving family. Karl wants to settle down and know he's done well in life. But right now, Karl gathers phytoplankton to extend his life further. After his harvest, Karl decides to start working on his dream tomorrow. Tomorrow he would find the one and settle down. Just as quickly as Karl motivated himself for his plans tomorrow, he was eaten. Sampson the sardine came by and ate Karl. 

Sampson does what he needs to survive. Tomorrow is important to him because he needs to stay true to his promise of being there for his wife and their on-the-way children. Sampson lurks around, gathers plenty of food, and provides for his fresh family. Sampson is a family man who would do whatever it takes to secure a promising future for his loved ones. Sampson thinks that tomorrow may be the day he finds a safer home for his lovely wife and their eggs. Just as that thought exited Sampson's mind, Sampson entered Thommys cage of a mouth. 

Thommy is a tuna fish. Thommy is big, dumb, and slow but gentle and kind. Thommy does the only thing he knows how to do, eat. Thommy lives his simple life of eating and swimming around. Thommy’s only worry was whether he ate more than he did yesterday. Although Thommy is simple, he is happy. Thommy is happy his tummy is full and doesn't know pain. Thommy decided to meet up with all his tuna friends, they would meet up under the hot afternoon sun. Just as Thommy said hi to the other tuna, they all got swooped up, and they were like babies wrapped in a blanket, without control and scared. They were all scared of what was to come. Thommy was brought above the surface and tossed onto a seiner with all of the people he knew and grew fond of. Hank, the human, had caught him. 

Hank spends a good majority of his time on his seiner. He is a tuna fisherman trying to provide for his wife and kids at home. Hank wears a very bushy mustache, is 5’10”, has a tan from long hours on his boat, and always keeps a picture of his caring family on him. Hank is an honest, hardworking man who does what he can for the ones he loves. Hank is loved and loves. Hank returned safely that night and fed his family the fresh tuna from today's catch. This is the food chain.

The author's comments:

I challenged myself to write a piece from a perspective of an animal. This is why it is fish, I also wanted to have multiple POVs. 


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