The Different Types of Truck Drivers | Teen Ink

The Different Types of Truck Drivers

November 30, 2021
By nrpac580 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
nrpac580 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       Without a doubt you have seen a pickup truck in your life, whether it be driving on the street or parked in a parking lot. But what many people fail to realize is that there are many different types of truck drivers and they can be easily identified by the way they act, dress, speak, and so much more. We could spend hours talking about each and every truck driver you could possibly encounter on and off the road but they can be pretty much summed down into four main groups: the redneck teenager, the old grandpa, the short dude, and the outdoorsmen. Now let’s dive in. 


The Redneck Teenager

       Teenagers all across the country love their pickup trucks but most of them can be easily identified by how they dress, speak, walk, and much more. They are more than likely to be the “hick” at your local high school. Never caught without their cowboy boots and bass pro hat. They have a brain the size of a peanut but an ego bigger than the Empire State Building. Some are extremely polite, never failing to use “yes sir” and “yes mamá”, but some are extremely rude and will treat you worse than dirt. And sadly, now and then you might come across the racist who is still stuck in 1865 and tends to use language many find offensive. To add, this demographic tends to bleed red, white, and blue. With more than 99% of them being hard core republicans who love to fly American flags behind their trucks. 

The old grandpa

       Now on the other end of the spectrum we have the old man with gray hair and bald spots who most likely served in the Vietnam war. Most of them can be easily identified by how they dress, speak, walk, and much so more. These older gentlemen tend to wear hats which most of the time says something along the lines of “I served in the Vietnam war” or some other American military conflict. They also tend to wear jeans or khakis with a belt and nice button up or T-shirt. Furthermore, you can hear them coming from miles away because they tend to shuffle their feet due to their deteriorated health and sometimes use a cane or other object to assist their walking. Lastly, they are extremely polite and always willing to share their many life lessons and experiences that they have accumulated over the years with you. So it’s never wise to strike up a conversation with them because they will chat with you until your ear falls off.

 The short dude 

       There is without a doubt you have met and probably didn’t like this type of truck driver. The “short dude” is by far the most annoying one out of them all. He without a doubt has a Napoleon complex and thinks he is the biggest, baddest, bestest dude out there. He never fails to try to one up you and exert his self proclaimed male dominance over you. He thinks he is the alpha male in every group he has ever been in and tries to prove it even if it means losing friends and family. He tends to be extremely rude and arrogant with anyone he encounters, whether it be at the store or at his kids soccer game. And if you talk to him about anything he is always a self proclaimed expert even if it means making things up as he goes. He always walks with his back straight and his head up never moving out of the way for anyone as if he’s trying to prove the point he's better than everyone. But at the end of the day we all know that he just acts all mean and tough because he’s trying to make up for something. 

The Outdoorsman

       Last but not least, we have the outdoorsmen who is either a die hard  country boy or wanna be country boy. They are almost always wearing camouflage, bright orange, or some other hunting related color or apparel. You almost always see them at the gas station filling up for a hunting trip or walking into your local diner for their first warm meal in days following a hunting expedition. They tend to be quite polite, always using “yes sir” and “yes mama” and are extremely talkative when it comes to their hunting adventures. But never ask them their hunting spots because they’ll take those to the grave. To add, if you catch them at the wrong time they smell extremely bad because they haven’t showered in days due to their hunting adventures.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for a school project. Hope you enjoy.

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