Set Piece - My town | Teen Ink

Set Piece - My town

October 25, 2021
By Anonymous

The library was closed of course. It had been closed for a long time. So were the other shops near the vicinity. A businessman had bought it all. The town used to be bright and lively but recently it was like a forest after a fire, dry and dead. The town I grew up in, barely recognizable to me anymore. At least some shops were open like a bakery went to with my mom after school. But soon the bakery was closed. When I walked by it, I saw some moving trucks and the same sign that was posted near every closed building. I never really liked the cookies and the confectionaries but it felt like a monumental loss, with all my memories floating around in my head like leaves in the wind. What once used to be a quiet peaceful town, was now becoming a city, with loud cars, and big machines. Hotels and tall buildings cut through the skyline. The smell of smoke can diesel wafted through the air. People were bustling around like a bunch of bees, rushing around, always having something to do.   

The author's comments:

In my set-piece, I tried experimenting with similies. Similies are a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid. For instance, “the house is clean as a whistle”. This set piece is about a town, changing into a city.

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on Nov. 12 2021 at 6:15 pm
AlisaVendrow BRONZE, Cupertino, California
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