Beyond the Door | Teen Ink

Beyond the Door

October 23, 2021
By Anonymous

She lay on her bed facing the bumpy ceiling. It was time to get up, but something was holding her. Was it the warm, cozy blanket? Or was it the feeling of drowsiness? Outside, it was pouring, making it too murky to see anything. She turned her head to the dark door. The door is a barrier. You can not see through a barrier, just as you can not see through your life or your future. Just one step out of the door will affect how your day goes. But there are dangers. Unspeakable dangers. One time, you wake up and on the same day, you might find yourself hurt or in the face of danger. The girl lifted her blanket, took small steps to the door, reached her right arm to the handle of the door, and twisted it, opening the door to the future.  

The author's comments:

With this set piece I wanted to experiment with tone and metaphor .Tone expresses the character's attitude or feeling. I used words such as "drowsy" and "murky" to describe characters' feelings of the outside world. It helps describe the fear of not being able to conquer fear from within themselves. I also used a metaphor. A metaphor is comparing two things that are not alike, but have something in common. l used a metaphor to describe the door as a barrier to our life.

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