The Tree | Teen Ink

The Tree

October 22, 2021
By Anonymous

The tree outside is not too big. It's got a medium trunk, a light brown that never changes. Then the branches, going up and out in every direction. At the ends, they split off into even more arms, all the same color. It's on these smaller arms that the leaves grow, this time a dark shade of green. They never do seem to grow back the same color each year. The rays of the sun hit the leaves at an angle so that they seem to glow. It's Autumn, so the tips have turned red, and some leaves have started to fall. A bird rests on the highest branch. It looks around, chirps twice, and flies off. A gentle breeze blows by, carrying the smell of wood and spice.  A single leaf gently floats onto the ground, joining the corpses on the soil beneath.

The author's comments:

I wanted to experiment with imagery and mood in this set piece. I started off with my quick write about the tree, then expanded upon the ideas and description I wrote. I paid attention to word choice and included sensory details. Finally, I like this set piece because it paints a picture of the tree at a certain season, which helps elevate the mood.

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