Crazy Chemistry | Teen Ink

Crazy Chemistry

September 1, 2021
By Anonymous

Julia ran through the kitchen and out the door of her house. If she didn’t hurry then she’d be late to her first day of 11th grade. Julia, although she was upset with herself for staying up most of the night, was not surprised she had done this again.

Julia hopped in her car, which was just as pink as her hair, and started the engine. Before she left her driveway, she made sure to check her face for any smudges of jelly from her toast she ate for breakfast. 

She wiped her breakfast from her brown skin, and pulled out of her driveway. This time she managed not to hit the neighbors mailbox, this was perplexing, but not a bad thing.

When Julia arrived at school she bolted through the halls to get to the science club room, because she didn't want to miss anything from her favorite class.


When she got to the science club, Julia spotted a new face. Julia being the curious girl she was, made sure to get a seat next to him. He had fluffy white hair and pale skin. He also had dark eyes, similar to her own.

When class started and everyone introduced themselves, Julia found out his name was Yuki. The teacher began announcing that there would be a county wide science fair coming up that the class would be preparing for. This made Julia very excited. She decided that she would ask Yuki to be her partner.

Julia tapped Yuki on the shoulder, he turned around and she said “Hi! I’m Julia, nice to meet you!! Let's be friends, do you wanna be partners for the fair??”

Yuki was very surprised by her enthusiasm,  but he wasn’t opposed to the idea. He  wanted some people to hang out with other than his obsessive older sister or his uninvolved parents. “Um, yea sure.”, “Great!! So what would you want to do? I was thinking we could make a toaster that can also act as a phone, so you could….” Most people would find Julia’s rambling annoying, but he thought it was charming.

By the end of the day Yuki started to warm up to Julia and her ADHD. They ended up exchanging phone numbers, and both even developed a little crush. 

That night Julia and Yuki were talking on the phone when Yuki’s sister, Miki, overheard the two talking. It sounded like Yuki was really enjoying talking to her. This worried Miki. She was afraid he might want to be around Julia more than herself. Her suspicions were true, since Yuki would much rather be around his new friend as opposed to Miki. His sister was very overbearing and she always wanted to hang out with him, but he couldn’t blame her, Miki doesn’t have many friends. For as long as he could remember him and Miki were together through all their parents’ neglect. Miki wasn’t going to interfere unless she thought they were together too much.

A few weeks had passed since the first day of school, Julia and Yuki were spending increasingly more time together. Mainly to work on their project together, but also just for the sake of being in each others’ company. However, some tension had recently built up between them over a disagreement about the two’s project. 

As a result of her keeping tabs on Yuki, Miki noticed this. She was not pleased. So, she decided she needed to do something about it. Miki wasn’t sure how until she remembered the science fair project they were working on. 

She decided to sabotage their project by destroying it then telling Julia she saw Yuki doing it. This was a perfect plan since Julia and Yuki had been frustrated with each other recently. So, she started planning.

About a week from the science fair was when Miki planned to strike. So that Monday morning, before school started, she snuck into the science club room and destroyed Julia and Yuki’s project.


After Yuki and Julia found out about it, Miki told Julia in private that she saw Yuki do it. She didn’t want to believe that Yuki could ever do such a thing, but she had to be sure.

“What? No, how could you ever think I’d do something like that?!” shouted Yuki. This made Julia very upset, so she said some harsh words back to him, before storming off in a fit of rage. Julia was so shocked and hurt that he would destroy their project, especially after she thought he liked her as much as she liked him. He did.

Julia and Yuki didn’t talk to each other for the rest of the week, and just decided not to do the science fair. The two spent the week moping and avoiding each other. 

On the rainy Friday,  when Yuki got home from school, Miki asked him about the science fair. Saying that the fair was tomorrow and he hadn’t been with Julia all week. Yuki told all that happened with Julia and how upset he was that she would assume he’d done that. Miki then said “yeah, be glad I did that to your project or you’d still be friends, and Julia would be hurting you all the time.”

Yuki started to question Miki mercilessly about what she did and why. When found out the truth he knew he had to make things right with Julia. So he ran to her house, in the rain, to tell her what happened.

Julia apologized to Yuki profusely, and the night ended in them re-doing their project and a hug. 

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