Growing Up Black | Teen Ink

Growing Up Black

April 5, 2021
By Lorenzo2025 BRONZE, Rossville, Georgia
Lorenzo2025 BRONZE, Rossville, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Trying in a Middle of a Crisis

          I know you're not supposed to start a story off like this but who cares. Imagine being a single mom with three kids and nobody is helping. This mom will die for her kids, steal, shoot, kill for her kids. Also, she is black so that just makes everything harder for her anyway. The kids are trying to make the best out of what they have because the mom doesn't have enough clothes or even shoes. So you know what she does, she steals just for her son to celebrate his birthday. The kids have seen her steal in the store just for some baloney for dinner. You see how hard she is working so you try to get a job and help but you're too young. When seeing your mom cry about bills gives you and your brothers a different hunger to make sure she is okay at night. So you try to do what she does but you have to lie for her to feel good. Then the kids get caught trying to help.

 Nothing can Save them Now

           When the kids get caught their mom realizes what they are doing so she disappointed them. That didn’t faze the kids because they can still hear their mom crying through the walls. After a month passes the kid starts shoplifting, drug dealing just to see a smile on their mom's face. All her children gather up the money they saved to move her out of the house and to a better place. Remind you all the kids are under 15 trying to make a living in the cold-hearted world they live in. The oldest starts to get in a gang because they help him double up his money. Where I’m from once you're in a gang you can’t get out of it. They move out of the hood born and raised to somewhere better for everybody but, being black is harder than you think. All of the kids here have money for an apartment but their mom comes to them and says “ we can’t get it because of our skin color.” Now she has the talk with them about the struggles of being an African American man or woman in this world.

Why Try if Nothing Helps

            After the talk, the kids think about how hard they work just for nothing to help. Now the youngest child is depressed about how cruel people are for them doing nothing to them. The oldest kid wakes up and hears “happy birthday” but he didn't care because the only thing he wanted was for his mom to smile. They try and try until they can’t do it anymore. They have no choice but to move back to their old house. When they get there it gets worse. Why? You ask because once you're in a gang you can’t get out of it. When they left a gang war started between the bloods and the crips. Now there are shootouts and drive-bys but the kids are used to it. Understand that the youngest kid doesn't want to be on earth so he joins the crips and just dies(same gang as his brother). When being in this gang you have to roll with them doing some dangerous things. A week after joining the gang goes to commit robbery against the bloods. While doing this the youngest child(who is only 13) holds a gun for the first time.

Dying Is no Joke

            The crips ran through the back of the bloods trap house. The youngest got to prove himself so he got put upfront but his brother tried and begged for his little brother to go in the back. “He got it,” said the big homie. As the youngest hunches down he pops one of the bloods in their neck. Then he runs up and just shoots hoping he gets hit by a bullet. Gunshots firing back at the kid he shoots until he can’t anymore. Then all the crips separate and start fighting bloods one on one. The kid is in a room with a grown man and his gun jammed. Also, the blood has a gun and is not showing any mercy. The blood shoots but the kid feels a sudden pressure from the side of him and it's his brother pushing out the way and getting shot. After his brother has been shot he kills the older gang member and runs back to his home(real home). The boy tells his mom as she busts out in tears. 

In Conclusion 

               When you care for your loved ones you would do anything to protect them. While you're trying to protect them you end up not protecting yourself. In your heart, mind, spirit you think it was the right choice but, was it really people ask? Growing up black is more than a struggle you have to survive. When being in that jungle you only have a family but what happens when they switch up. Living like that you have to do risky things like robberies, killing, and stealing. The real question is would you have been able to live through this jungle and survive?

The author's comments:

I'm an African American teen who grew up in poverty with my mom and my dad only came by to give me things. I also have 2 brothers that live with me at home who are more than a 2-year gap between me and them. My dad died when I was 10. I love having people who will be there for m no matter what. 

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