The Northern Lights | Teen Ink

The Northern Lights

January 16, 2021
By marilynr BRONZE, Winchester, California
marilynr BRONZE, Winchester, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a night like this, the sky should be full of stars, but as I looked up, my legs almost gave out, not believing my eyes. The Northern Lights, it was so breathtaking. The scenery was so angelic, seeming out of this world. Whenever I'm stressed or need an escape from reality, I come to my special place. This place is the only area I can focus on myself, not being disturbed by any human activities, and appreciate the quietness. It is within the silence that I can really dream, adapt, become renewed, and be aware of the simple things that surround me. I always make sure to take a moment to appreciate the simplest things in life. 

I was always an outside person, it’s the peacefulness, silence, and enchanting views that lure me in. I love cherishing the beautiful outdoors and greenery because it brings me happiness and makes me feel alive. Stargazing makes me feel calm and relaxed, the silence and peacefulness is just so pleasant and fascinating. Viewing scenes of nature reduces my anger, stress, and anxiety. It’s something about mother nature that makes me feel so at home. Maybe it’s the beauty, serenity, or the way how it rejoices me in life. 

As I look up at the heavens, I admire its captivating vibrant colors. A verdant emerald green with a hint of finest pink you’ll ever see, in a mixture of deep blue violet. I’m mesmerized by the enchanting colors above me. I stay still for a moment, being allured by this sight. I breathe in the cold pure air, while the fresh breeze brushes through my face. The warm bright colors contrasting against my skin, feeling relieved and spontaneous. Treasuring this moment alone, I think about all of the amazing memories I once had with my friends back at home. My friends and I loved going on road trips to a destination that led us where? I remember a time, where my friends and I went to Italy. Italy had the most beautiful landscapes and scenery that you could ever imagine. It was truly magical. The mountains, rivers, trees, flowers, sunlight, was inspiring and overall, an astonishing experience. It was as if yesterday we went to Italy.

 As we drove down, we noticed a trail. My friends and I loved living freely and going with the flow in life, so we decided to follow it. We parked and got out of the car. We looked out, and saw mountains. We were debating whether we should just sit on the rocks and admire the sight, or walk through the trail and experience our surroundings. If we were to just sit, we would admire it from above. But why should we sit? Why should we sit when we can walk through the trail and see much more. We started walking through, the trees surrounding us, beautifully colored birds chirping, the water in the distance, we could hear children laughing. As we kept walking through, we realized what we could have missed if we decided to sit on the rocks. We noticed butterflies landing on the flowers, caressing them, one by one. As we looked further, my friends and I started to see a stream. We continued to walk towards it, until we finally reached the stream. My friends and I looked around and saw how beautiful it was as we started going uphill. We could hear the stream getting stronger, as if it was roaring at us. Almost as if speaking to us, we saw a beautiful waterfall above. You could see the drops, almost as raindrops, crystalised, and splattering. We instantly looked at eachother and ran to the waterfall. We started dancing as if we were kids again. The water splashing through our hair and onto our skin. It causes me to get the chills. This moment reminded me of when my parents and I used to go outside and jump in puddles after the rain poured. It was exciting to get out and relive one of my childhood memories. I will always remember this moment and cherish it forever.

The author's comments:

This is for a classwork assignment, I would really like to know your thoughts on it! 

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