Golden Lake | Teen Ink

Golden Lake

October 9, 2019
By Seymour SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Seymour SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Leaping out of the car, I pound on the driver door begging my mom and dad to hurry. We gather our packer lawn chairs and fuzzy blankets and head to the beach. Claiming our spot on the bustling beach, we take a moment to admire the golden lake glistening in front of us. 

I notice a family of ducks shuffling across the sand, making their way into the water. Disturbing the glass like surface, the family disappears behind the pier. Taking in a deep breath, the scent of seaweed and bug spray rushes into my nose, reminding me of years past at the beach. I hear nearby music start to play as my little sister darts off to the water, my mother chasing her just steps behind.

Turning to face my dad, I look up, and with the best puppy eyes I could and with a little frown I ask him for some ice cream. He agrees and heads off to the store, already knowing exactly what I want. As I wait for his return, I notice kids throwing stones into the lake. I scamper over to where the sand meets the water and begin my search. I scan the beach for stones. Looking left and right, big stones to little pebbles, I toss them into the water. KERPLUNK!!! Satisfied with the noise I look for more. Then, as if a light came down from above, I dig up the perfect stone. Not too big, not too small, flat on both sides and almost round. A grin spreads across my face as I wind up for the toss. I throw the stone so it skims the surface of the water. One... Two... Three. The stone making the water shimmer as it bounces across the surface. Four…Five…Six. Six skips, a new record! I turn around to go tell my mom and find my dad waiting for me, ice cream in hand. 

I plop down in my packer chair and bury my feet in the sand as I eat my ice cream. Wrapping myself in the fluffy blanket I gaze into the sky, examining the formation of geese sailing through the clouds. I take one last look at everything before night falls. The family of ducks returning from their swim, the kids throwing stones now huddling with their parents, the formation of geese far in the distance, and the golden lake glistening before me, mesmerizing me as the soft sounds of waves washing up on shore putting me at peace.

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