My Favourite Embrace | Teen Ink

My Favourite Embrace

May 23, 2019
By Anonymous

As soon as I saw it I knew I couldn’t keep these burning thoughts to myself. When mum and dad stopped giving me hugs I lost all of the warm fire. To me, fire means love and happiness, so when they stopped the fire, it meant they didn’t love me anymore. After I was telling them about my friends and how we played together, they got mad telling me they weren’t real. But I knew they were, I knew this because they talked to me and imaginary people can’t talk. This was when they stopped the fire and the house became cold and empty of all our past happiness. So I walked into the room emitting warmth that everyone in the world could probably feel. I just want to feel a little bit of the heat for myself and my parents, but I couldn’t stop myself from stepping in further. This way, if I took all of the heat for me and my parents, we could be happy again. I kept hearing the voices but I didn’t know where they were coming from, they felt as if they were coming from the outside and not the inside. Instead of feeling the painful throbbing of them bouncing inside my head I could feel them sliding through the room towards me trying to find me. It felt nicer this way but the ones inside kept telling me how nice it would be, and how this way we could be friends forever if I just went closer. I’ve always wanted to be friends with someone forever, to be able to call someone my best friend. The bright orange licks up the walls and the curtains leaving darkness behind. I step closer to the flames feeling the heat hitting me like a sledgehammer. It starts to burn, it doesn’t feel like the embrace they described, my friends keep telling me to enjoy this embrace and to enjoy the warmth. They said it would be like a bear leaning down and smothering me with its love and affection. But it doesn’t feel warm or loving, it feels like bubbling hot oil covering every inch of my skin blocking my view with the white hot heat. The floating black smoke in the air flutters it’s way down like fairies in the sky. I walk closer to the fairies and they get sucked into my lungs. I find out that I don’t like the taste of fairies and start trying to cough it up. It doesn’t work though as more get sucked in. I try to tell them I don’t like their taste but they don’t listen almost as if they can’t hear me. They start covering my eyes, and all I can see is black. I don’t know when but I can feel myself crying. I can’t even find an escape with my tears as they too are blistering hot. I suddenly just hear my heart and my breathing but then everything stops. The silence is so loud I can’t think of anything and I don’t know when it happened but then, I just felt nothing.

The author's comments:

I just had a thought about a fire being like a hug and then this came out of it.

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